What The Team Thinks Of Your Relationship

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Emily Prentiss: My dad was the first one to know about our realationship. He was actually the one who told Emily to tell you about her feelings for you. The rest of the team found out when you had come to drop Emily's phone off for her after she had left it in your car when you had dropped her off at work. They were all very happy.

JJ: Hotch was the first to know because we had to clear it with him and assure him that the relationship wouldn't get in the way of our work. Immediately after you had told Hotch you told the team because you didn't want to keep it a secret. The team was super excited for you and when you told them they all cheered and said "We knew it."

Penelope Garica: Garica told the whole team as soon as I told her I liked her back and asked her on a date. They were all very happy for you guys. Emily did threaten Penelope by saying "I love you Pen, but if you ever hurt my sister I won't hesitate to hurt you." Penelope nodded and I rolled my eyes.

Kate Callahan: We weren't actually going to tell her team at first, but they ended up finding out when I had to drop of Kate's phone and badge after she left them at my house. The team liked the idea of Kate having someone that makes her happy.

Alex Blake: The team foun out about our relationship when Alex had invited me out to have drinks with her team one night. The team was excited to meet the person who had been making Alex happy for the past few weeks and they kept asking about how you meet and how long you have been dating.

Elle Greenaway: Me and Elle told the team before a briefing and they all had different reactions. Penlope squealed in what can only be described as excitement, Hotch smiled, Morgan and JJ both said that they knew it and that Spencer owed the 10 dollars, Spencer said he didn't think we would ever like each other in that way, but that he was happy for us, Gideon just nodded.

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