How They Would React If You Held Their Hand Before You're Dating

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Emily Prentiss: I was sitting in my room working on some work when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it and my dad said "Hey sweetie I invited the team over for dinner and they are gonna be here in a little. You can join us if you want to, but you don't have to." I leaned against the doorframe and said "Is Emily coming?" He nodded and said "Yes." I smiled and said "Then I'll join you guys." He laughed and said "Okay sweetie." He walked away and I shut the door than walked over to my closet and pulled out my sketch book and a pair of black ripped jeans and and a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt. I threw the clothes on my bed and walked over to my desk with the sketch book. I like Emily so I was excited that she was coming over, but that was not the only reason I wanted her to be coming over. The main reason I want her to come over is because I made something for her. I opened my skecth book to the first page and carefully took the page out and put the picture in a frame I had. The picture was a drawing I had done of Emily and her cat Sergio. I left the frame on my desk then walked over the my bed and changed my clothes. I quickly brushed my hair then ran downstairs. As soon as I got to bottom of the steps I heard a knock on the front door. I walked over and opened the door. Standing there was Penelope and Morgan. I smiled and said "Come in." The smiled and Penelope said "How are you Y/N?" I smiled and said "I'm good." Morgan looked at me and said "Still crushing on Emily." I rolled my eyes and said "Shut up Morgan. My dads in the kitchen if you want to go say hi." They nodded and both walked to the kitchen. I walked over to the living room and hooked my phone up to the speaker and started playing Sara by Fleetwood Mac. I walked into the kitchen and said "Hey dad do you need any help with anything?" He looked at me and said "Can you set the table and answer the door whenever someone knocks." I nodded and said "Yep." I grabbed the things to set the table and walked out to the dining room. When I was done setting the table I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door revealing the rest of the team standing on the porch. I smiled and let them in. As Emily walked in I grabbed her hand and said "Come with me I have something I want to give you." She looked down at our hands then back up and me and nodded. I smiled and pulled he towards the stairs and up to my room. When we got to my room I let go of her hand and walked over to my desk and picked up the frame and walked back over to her. I handed her the frame and said "I made this for you I hope you like it." She smiled and grabbed my hand and said "I love it." I smiled and said "I'm glad. Now let's go back down and join the rest of the team." She nodded and we walked downstairs.

JJ: I was walking around a crime scene with JJ. As we were walking I tripped on something and grabbed JJ's hand so I didn't fall and I felt her hand on my hip and she steadied me. I looked into her eyes and said "Thanks Jayje." She smiled and said "No problem are you okay?" I nodded and said "Yeah I am fine." We stood there for a few seconds with me holding her hand and her hand on my hip. We alone moved away from each other when Spencer walked in from another room of the house we were in and said "Are you guys okay?" We looked at him and said "Yeah we're fine."

Penelope Garcia: I was at a club with Emily, Penelope and JJ. I was kind of drunk. I wanted to dance and I wanted Penelope to dance with me. So I walked up to her and grabbed her hand and said "Come dance with me Penelope." She nodded and put her drink down on the tablea and I pulled her away from the table and to the dance floor. When we got to the dance floor I continued holding her hand and she looked at me and said "I don't mind you holding my hand but if you want to dance you might have to let go." I nodded and let go of her hand.

Kate Callahan: I was with Kate and my kids at a fair. Kate was gonna bring Meg with her, but Meg had a big test she had to study for. As we were walking around my five year old Lexi grabbed my hand and said "Mommy can I go on that ride?" I nodded and said "Yeah. Do you want me to come with you?" She nodded and I turned to the Kate and grabbed her hand and said "Can you watch Hope for me Lexi wants me to go on that ride with her?" She nodded and said "Of course." I smiled at her then let go of her hand and grabbed Lexi's hand and we walked over to get in the line for the ride.

Alex Blake: I was with Alex walking around a mall. We both had days off and we wante to hang out, but I need to get new clothes for my daughter for school. So I invited Alex to hang out with me at the mall. As we were walking from one store to another a man bumped into me and I almost fell over. I grabbed onto Alex's hand and used it to steady myself. I looked at Alex and said "Sorry about just grabbing your hand like that." She smiled and said "It's fine." I smiled and let go of her hand and we continued walking.

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