What You Guys Do When It Rains

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Emily Prentiss: I was sitting in Emily's apartment wearing one of her hoodies. Right now I was waiting for her to get home and there was a giant rain storm happening right now and of course my brain was thinking about all the bad things that could happen to her. I heard the door to the apartment open and I quickly stood up off the bed and made my way out of the room. I smiled when I saw Emily by the door and I rushed over and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and said, "Hey love." I didn't say anything I just hugged her tighter. She tilted my head so I was looking at her and said, "What's wrong love?" I rested my head on her chest and said, "I was just overthinking somethings it's nothing I'm just glad you're home." She smiled and kissed my forehead then said, "Let me get changed into less wet clothes then we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie." I nodded and let go of her moving over to the couch as she moved to get changed.

JJ: The team had just finished a case in Seattle and there was a giant rain and thunderstorm that was preventing us from flying home. I hated rainstorms and because visability was so low on the roads we are stuck at the police station. I was freaking out and pacing around the conference room with my arms wrapped around myself. JJ walked into the room and wrapped her arms around me and lead me over to the corner of the room. She sat on the ground and pulled me down next to her. She wrapped her jacket around my shoulders and said, "I've got you baby." I smiled because everytime I get freaked out because of a rainstorm she does this. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and connected her headphones into it. She put one of the headphones in my ear and the other in her ear.

Penelope Garcia: I was hanging out with Penlope in her bat cave and we were talking and suddenly the lights went out. I squeezed Penelope's hand that I was holding and said, "Pen what's happening?" She rubbed my knuckles and said, "The storm probably knocked the power out don't worry the generators will turn on soon." I nod and take a deep breath I hate storms and I'm not a huge fan of the dark. After a few minutes the lights turned on again and Pen said, "See there's the generators." I like at her and say, "But what if the storm knocks the generators out Pen." She grabbed two flashlights off her desk and said, "Then we have these and I have a few blankets we can make a safety fort to help you feel better." I smiled and kissed her quick then said, "Thanks Pen you are the best."

Kate Callahan: I was in my bed with Hope, Lexi and Meg. There was a big storm going on and Hope and Lexi had gotten scared because of the storm so I told them they could sleep in the bed with me. Meg said she wasn't scared, but I could tell she was scared and that she was worried about Kate who is trying to get home during this storm. Hope and Lexi had fallen asleep a while ago and me and Meg were watchig a movie on the tv. I looked over and saw that Meg was asleep so I turned the volume on the tv down. After a few minutes I heard the front door open and slowly got out of the bed trying not to wake the girls. I made my way to the front door and smiled when I saw Kate standing there dripping wet. I walked up and hugged her not caring if I got wet. Kate smiled at me and said, "Hey love." I smiled at her and said, "Hey baby you should get changed out of these wet clothes,but you should be queit in the room there are 3 little girls sleeping in our bed." She smiled and we walked to the bedroom and I got back in the bed as she changed from her wet clothes. I turned the TV off and she climbed onto her side of the bed putting her arm over all three girls and grabbing my hand I smiled and looked at her, "Goodnight Kate." She smiled and said, "Goodnight Y/N."

Alex Blake: Me,Alex and Chloe were in the living room of my house playing board games. There was a big storm going on and Chloe is scared of thunder so she can't sleep. We were playing Clue and so far I've won a round and Chloe has won two and Alex hasn't won yet. A loud crack of thunder sounded and Chloe jumped and covered her ears. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I opened my arms for her and she moved over to me. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back trying to help her calm down. I saw Alex get up at out of the corner of my eye and I looked at her quickly then looked back at Chloe. Alex came back a few minutes later and she placed a blanket over Chloe then handed her her phone and headphones and said, "Why don't you listen to some music sweetie it might help you feel better." Chloe smiled and hugged her and said, "Thanks Alex." She put the headphones in and played some music. Chloe eventually fell asleep and me and Alex took her up to my room deciding to let her sleep in my bed with us.

Elle Greenaway: I was sitting at my desk trying scrolling through things on my phone. There was a big storm going on and the roads were icy and visibility was low so Hotch didn't want any of us to try and drive home. I was nevrous because the light had already gone out twice. I had headphones on with the volume all the way up so I couldn't hear the storm. The lights went out again and I waited for them to come back on like they did the last two times, but they didn't they stayed off. I opened my desk drawer and felt around for my flashlight. When I found it I pulled it out and turned it on. I shined it around starting to freak out a little storms and no lights do not mix well with me. I saw Elle and quickly got up walking over to her hugging her. She wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back. My music cut off right a huge crack of thunder sounded and I jumped and started to sob in Elle's arms. She held me tight and said, "Shhh baby it's okay I won't let anything happen to you it's just a storm it will pass it's okay." I looked at her and cried more. She pulled away and looked at me and said, "Come with me." I nodded and she walked over to her desk and grabbed a blanket our of her go bag placing it over her desk so it covered the front. She put her go bag on top of the blanket so it wouldn't fall then she crawled under the desk. I followed her and she grabbed my flashlight and turned hers on and said, "In here we are safe and it's just me and you and you know I would never let anything happen to you." I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder, "Thanks Elle. I love you so much." She kissed my forehead and said, "No problem princess I love you too."

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