First Kiss

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Emily Prentiss: I was hanging out with Emily at her apartment. We were suppose to be watching a movie, but Emily was doing something on her phone instead of watching the movie. I turned to her and said "Em why aren't you watching the movie?" She looked at me and said "I'm just answering one work email than you and the movie will have my undivided attention." I nodded and said "Okay." After a few minutes Emily put her phone down and turned to me and said "Come cuddle with me." I smiled and moved closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me. I looked up at her and she smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me. I was shocked at first because it was the first time she's kissed me since we started dating, but I eventually kissed back.

JJ: I was sitting in JJ's office with her. I was sitting on the couch in her office working on some files and she was sitting at her desk. I closed the file I was working on when I finished it and got up then looked at JJ and said "I'm gonna get some coffee do you want any?" She nodded and said "Yes please." I smiled and walked out of the room and over to the coffee station. I got the two coffees and made my way back to JJ's office. I walked into the office and shut the door and walked over to JJ's desk and placed the coffee on the desk then sat on the edge of her desk. She looked at me and said "Thank you." I smiled and got up to go back to the couch to continue working when the grabbed my hand and pulled me down and kissed me on the lips. I smiled into the kiss because it was the first time she's kissed me on the lips. I pulled away from the kiss and said "That was the first time you've kissed me on the lips." She smiled and said "I know I just really wanted you to feel your lips on mine." I smiled and said "Well feel free to do that whenever you want." She smiled and said "Go back to your work." I smiled and walked over to couch and picked up my next case file and started working on it.

Penelope Garcia: I was sitting with Penelope in her bat cave. She was doing some work for the team and I was just here to hang. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was around 1:20pm. I cursed under my breath realizing that I told a friend that I would pick her daughter up from school. I looked at Penelope and said "I have to go, I'll see you later." I went to kiss her cheek and she turned her head right before my lips hit her cheek and my lips landed on hers. I pulled away from the kiss and she blushed and said "I'm sorry I didn't know you were gonna kiss my cheek." I smiled and said "It's okay Penny. Our first kiss was long overdue anyways." She nodded and I quickly kissed her again before I walked out of the room.

Kate Callahan: I was visiting with Kate at her job because I had come to give her a jacket that she had left at my house. I only had Hope with me because my Lexi was at school. I was talking with Kate when JJ came up and asked if she could hold my daughter. I nodded and handed her the baby. As soon as the baby was out of my hands Kate pulled me into a hug. I smiled and looked up at her. She smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me. I was slightly shocked at first because she has never kissed me before. I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her and said "That was unexpected." She smiled and said "I just thought it was time for us to have our first kiss." I smiled and went to say something when I heard Hope giggling. I turned my head to look over at her and saw JJ playing peek-a-boo with her and occasionally tickling her tummy. I smiled and turned back to Kate and said "I think Hope likes JJ." Kate smiled at me and said "Yeah I think she does." I kissed her quickly before saying "Well I have to go because Lexi will be out of school soon. Do you still want me to pick Meg up from school later." She nodded and said "Yeah I would like that if you still can." I nodded and said "Of course." She smiled and I walked over to where JJ was and grabbed Hope from her.

Alex Blake: Me and Alex were at my house and I was making us dinner. My daughter was at a friends house so it was just us. I finished the food and turned the stove off and dished it onto plates. I carried both of the plates out to the dining room and put them on the table. I went and got Alex from the living room and we walked to the dining room. As soon as we got to the dining room she turned to me and said "Thank you for making dinner love." I smiled and said "No problem darling." She smiled and kissed me. I gasped because she has never kissed me before, but I quickly kissed back. We pulled away from the kiss and I said "Well now that we've had our first kiss let's eat dinner."

Elle Greenaway: I walked out of a unsub's house with Morgan. I had a cut on my forehead and a bunch of brusies all over my body seeing as I had been taken by the unsub 2 days ago and the team just found me. When I got outside of the house I looked around for Elle. I smiled when I saw her talking to Hotch with her back turned to the house so I called out her name. As soon as I called out her name her head whipped around. When she saw me she ran over to me and collieded into me hugging me making me groan slightly because of the bruises on my body. She pulls back and says "Sorry. I just thought I was gonna lose you." I noticed she was crying slightly and brought my hands up to her cheeks and said "I'm okay baby I just have a few bruises and a cut on my forehead." She nodded and put her hands on my hips and leaned into kiss me. I smiled into the kiss than quickly pulled away and said "That's the first time you've kissed me." She chuckled and said "Shut up and kiss me again." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck kissing her.

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