What They Do When You Sit On Their Lap

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Emily Prentiss: I was sitting on the couch in Emily's apartment waiting for her to get home. I had my sketchbook in my lap drawing a picture as Sergio and Shadow were laying on either side of me. I was drawing a picture of Emily based on a picture I had taken the other day of us watching the sunset together. I was almost done with the first sketch outline when I heard the door open. I closed my sketchbook and put it on the coffee table with my other art supplies. I got up and slowly made my way towards the door. I smiled when I saw Emily standing by the door hanging her coat up. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and smiled, "Hey my love. How was our day?" I smiled, "It was good I had classes earlier then I came here to feed the cats plus you apartment is much bigger then my room at my dads house." She laughed a little as I dragged her to the living room. I pushed her down on the couch and climed on her lap resting my head on her shoulder. She ran her fingers through my hair and said, "Not that I don't like this, but why are you sitting on my lap?" I looked up without moving my head off her shoulder and said, "I missed you and your lap is comfy." She smiled and said, "Okay my love." I smiled at her and looked down as shadow climbed onto my lap.

JJ: I was sitting in JJ's at home office on the couch as she sat at her desk. We were supposed to be cuddling, but JJ had brought some files home from work and she was working on those instead of cuddling me. I sighed when she ignored my attempts to get her attention for the 5th time. I rolled off the bed and onto my feet walking over to her turning her chair around and sitting in her lap wrapping my arms around her neck. She put her hands on my hips and said, "Well hello babe. What are you doing?" I smiled at her and said, "Trying to get your attention so you come and cuddle me. I tried calling your name, but you were to worked up in those cases that you didn't hear me so I decided to come sit on your lap." She kissed my cheek and said, "Oh babe I'm sorry I ignored you I didn't mean to I guess I was just to focused." She turned and closed the file that was open on her desk then looked back at me and said, "Let's go cuddle." I smiled and stood up grabbing her hand and pulled her up and over to the couch. She laid down on the couch and I laid down on top of her.

Penelope Garcia: I was sitting with Penelope in he apartment. She was on her laptop doing something, but I don't know what. I looked over at her and sighed because I wanted her attention, but she was so focused on whatever it was she was doing. I looked over at her and slowly moved closer to her until I was able to wiggle my way onto her lap. She moved her eyes away from the computer and looked at me saying, "What are you doing love?" I looked at her, "Oh nothing I just wanted attention and cuddles, but I'm good now so continue working." She kissed the side of my head and said, "I will be done in a few minutes then we can order some food and cuddle as much as you want I just have to finish this email." I nodded and rested my head against her shoulder as she finished the email.

Kate Callahan: I walked into my bedroom after putting Hope to sleep. I smiled when I saw Kate sitting on my bed. I walked over and climbed on the bed crawling into her lap. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head. She rubbed my back and said, "Hey love. What's up?" I looked up at her without moving my head from her chest, "I'm just tired and I want to cuddle. Hope didn't take a nap at all today and she was crying a lot. She wouldn't let me put her down at all. I'm surprised she's asleep now." She kissed the top of my head and said, "That's the third time this week she's had a day like this. Maybe something is up with her." I nodded and said, "Yeah I have scheduled a doctor's appointment for her tomorrow." She nodded and I closed my eyes. She started to rub circles on my back and I felt myself getting close to falling asleep then all of the sudden I heard Hope start to cry again. I went to get up again, but Kate pushed me down on the bed and said, "I'll get her love you sleep." I nodded and gave her a quick kiss before she walked out of the bedroom.

Alex Blake: I was sitting with Alex in my room. We were watching a movie. Alex picked a gorey horror movie and even though I am a homicide detective and have seen more in real life the goreyness of the movie was bothering me. I slowly moved closer to Alex and into her lap. She looked at me and said, "You okay baby?" I nodded and said, "Yeah this movie is just disturbing." She kissed the top of my head and said, "I can turn it off if you want?" I shake my head, "No it's fine just don't expect me to move off your lap any time soon." She smiled and wrapped her arms tight around me, "I wouldn't want you to move."

Elle Greenaway: I was out at a club with the team. I was at the bar getting drinks for the whole team. When I got all the drinks I walked over to the table the team was sitting at carefully carrying the tray of drinks. I set the tray of drinks on the table and slide onto Elle's lap. One of her hands immediately rested on my hip while the other grabbed her drink. I leaned back in her arms and she gently kissed my neck. I smiled and leaned back into her arms. Derek groaned and said, "Y/N there are five empty chairs at this table why can you not sit in one of them instead of on Elle's lap?" Before I could even say anything back to him Elle said, "You're just mad you don't have a beautiful woman sitting on your lap." I smiled and turned sligthly to kiss Elle.

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