How They Act When They're Jealous

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Emily Prentiss: I was standing in my living room talking to Spencer and JJ. My dad had invited the team over for dinner. Normally Emily would be standing with me with her arms around my waist, but she had decided she wanted to help my dad in the kitchen. As we were talking, I notice out of the corner of my eye Emily walk out of the kitchen and lean against the doorway glaring at JJ. I knew why she was because JJ was clearly flirting with me. I look over at Emily than smirk grabbing JJ's hand and laughing at something she says. Emily walks over to us and pulls me away from JJ and wraps her arms around my waist kissing me. I smiled into the kiss because I knew she was jealous.

JJ: The team was on a case in LA. JJ has been pretty angry the whole case because as soon as we had gotten to the police station the detective, we were working with had been flirting with me. I have tried telling her that I was in a happy relationship, but she wasn't listening. As the detective was flirting with me as I was going through the case file again JJ had finally had enough and snapped. She walked over to the detective and said, "I have been patient because we have to work together, but if you flirt with my girlfriend one more time, I will no longer be professional and I will break your nose with my foot." My eyes widened and I stood up grabbing her hand squeezing it as I say, "JJ calm down please love." She looked at me and I smiled at her and she takes a breath than turns back to the detective and says, "Sorry that was harsh, but seriously don't flirt with my girl again." The detective nodded and walked away.  

Penelope Garcia: I was with Penelope and the team at a bar having drinks after the team had just gotten back from a case. I was dancing with JJ. I was very close to JJ because there was this girl who kept trying to grind on me. After the 10th time this lady tried to grind on me and I had to stop her I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Penelope I smiled at her. She smiled at me than looked at the woman who kept grinding on me and said, "If you don't stop trying to grind on my girlfriend I will hack you a ruin your credit score." I laughed than put my hand on Penelope's arm and said, "There is no need for that Pen I was done dancing anyway. Come on." I pulled her away from the table and back to the table. As we were walking I said, "You get crazy when you're jealous." She rolled her eyes and said, "I wouldn't have really done that." I looked at her with my eyebrow raised and she said, "Okay maybe I would have." I laughed as we made it over to the table. 

Kate Callahan: I was with Kate at a restaurant. We were on a date but our waiter kept hitting on me and I could tell it was making Kate jealous. When the waiter came over with our food he slipped me a napkin with his number on it and when Kate saw she got up and punched the guy. I looked at Kate and said, "Why did you do that?" She looked at me and said, "I don't know I was just so blinded by jealousy." I smiled and said, "Okay. Well next when you're jealous maybe just saying something instead of punching." She nodded and said, "Yeah good idea." I laughed and we left when the manager came over and asked us to. 

Alex Blake: Me and Alex were at the mall. I was waiting for Alex as she went into a store I didn't want to go into. I was rocking back and forth on my heels when a guy walked over at started flirting with me. I ignored him hoping he would get the hint that I wasn't interested. He kept flirting so I went to say something when I felt a hand in mine and heard Alex say, "Back away from my girfriend." The guy looked at her and said, "Oh okay sorry." He left and I looked at Alex and said, "Hey love." She looked at me and said, "Were you letting that guy flirt with you?" I shook my head and said, "No actually I was ignoring him." She nodded and we continued to walk around the mall. 

Elle Greenaway: The team was in California for a case and I was standing at the coffee area in the police station we were in getting me and Elle a coffee when a cop came over and started flirting with me. I tried to tell him I was dating someone, but everytime I opened my mouth to speak he talked louder. I felt hands on my hips and turned my head slightly seeing Elle. I smiled and said, "Hey baby." She smiled and tilted my head so she could kiss me while she flipped the guy who was flirting with me off. The guy walked away and Elle pulled back from the kiss slightly and said, "Your mine." I smiled and said, "Of course." 

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