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After your movie date with your friends, Sukuna dropped by your dorm room with glee. In fact, he wouldn't stop laughing at how distracted you were when he brought you to the movies. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay the night because he had to finish grading papers. He said he got a little side-tracked due to a feisty bunny and needed to complete them by tonight.

You were slightly grateful that he didn't sleep over since you wanted a full night's rest and had to finish your assignments. You didn't want to be left behind and if you started slacking off, you knew it would be difficult to catch up.

You spent all of Sunday finishing up reports for your lab classes. The professors wanted ten pages including figures and diagrams about the experiments, and you were absolutely dreading it. Only five pages were left in your reports since you worked on them throughout the week. Luckily, with the help of Sukuna, you fixed your figures and you knew you would receive a good grade.

He knew the professor that taught that class and agreed that the professor isn't as strict as he is but really focuses on the figures, diagrams, charts, and tables. Most of your data from the lab were inputted into your report while the experiment took place so you only had to clean it up.

Exhausted, you gently rubbed your tired eyes and stood up.

What pastry should I eat?~ You hummed to yourself as you walked to your fridge. Your stomach growled as you eyed a chocolate croissant.

You grabbed the croissant and placed it on a plate, heating it up in the microwave. You scrolled through your phone as you waited patiently for your food to be warm. Most of the photos that showed up on your feed were your friends' posts from last night's movie date.

You thought back to that night and smiled, glad to finally have a wonderful set of friends that you can rely on. To help each other when we're troubled, to bring smiles across each others' faces when we're feeling down, to share the happiness and platonic love.

The microwave's beeps shook you out of your thoughts and your stomach grumbled more from the croissant's aroma. You slowly ate it at your table, indulging in the warm melted chocolate. You decided to take a picture of the bitten croissant and sent a text to Sukuna.

"Yum!! You should've kept some of the food too in case you get hungry," you sent.

After a minute or two, your phone received a notification.

"I'd rather eat something else, baby"


"I'm talking about Korean hot dogs, I don't know what you're thinking about"


"Anyway, shouldn't you be studying, sweetheart? Go focus or else I'm bound to think that you purposefully want to lose"

"Bye, you're distracting me"

"You texted me first ;) Good night, baby. Study well, I'll see you tomorrow"

Your heart fluttered and you smiled. Sending a final text, you told him, "Good night, Sukuna. See you tomorrow"

As you finished the last bite of your croissant, you checked the clock on your wall. It read 11:03 PM.

You sighed as you glanced at your unfinished homework.

Okay, if I grind now, I should finish by midnight. No more distractions.

You brushed your teeth and sat back down at your table. You had already done your night routine so you could easily grind the rest of the hour. You reopened your laptop and typed your fingers away.

Teacher's Pet | Sukuna x F-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now