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Thursday, November 18th 2020

"An arcade room?!! Now this is the best!" Beomgyu yelled as he hurried over to one of the games.

"Hehe, slow down, Gyu!" Taehyun ran after him. Taehyun then took out his wallet. "How much are the arcade games anyway?"

"They're free since it's your own private arcade, kid." A guy appeared in thin smoke, another demon.

"Oh? Well in that case, go crazy, Beomie." Beomgyu then shouts excitedly and finds a game to play.

"Come play with me Tae! It's a two player game!!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Alright!" He walked over to him and sat down next to him as they were now in some realistic shooting game.

They start up the game with a push of a button and start their fun time together in this arcade.


"Phew, that was fun." Taehyun said with a giggle.

"Mhm! We shall go here instead of those arcades on the streets next time." Beomgyu said.

Taehyun agreed with him and they go over to the elevator, the demon inside waving goodbye to them as the door closed.

"Hm we've already been to the fifth floor, so fourth floor it is." Taehyun said as he clicked the button.

"What even is the time right now?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun shrugged. The elevator then made a noise.

"It is 6:32am" the elevator said.

Beomgyu's jaw opened. "Woah, the elevator is Siri."

Taehyun laughed at his statement and the door opened, showing them the last floor they needed to check out.

"What- I'm so confused on what I'm looking at." Beomgyu said.

"Same. Oh look, there's also rock climbing in that corner." Taehyun pointed at the corner. "Oh, this is a sports room."

There's trampolines in one area, tennis court in another, basketball court, soccer, the rock climbing as said before, and some other things I can't think of.

"Hm.. party room or sports room?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun thought for a moment before smiling. "Sports room then party room." He then ran towards the first thing he saw, which was a trampoline with a jumping game.

A demon appeared by them. "Ello, I'm here to give you these." The demon then made those special socks appear on their feet, replacing the shoes they were wearing.

The shoes were then put over by cubbies for shoes, each of the shelf having one of their friends' names or their own name.

|Jungkook|Yoongi|Namjoon|Jin| -Shelves :)

"Well that's on a whole 'nother level of creepy." Beomgyu stated.

"Mhm.. demon sir, do you know everyone in the building?" Taehyun asked.

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