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Sunday, December 20th 2020

"Jin, where are we going?" Soobin questioned him as they were walking down the streets together.

"I wanted to get a gift for Joon.. but I have no idea what to get. I decided you'd be the best at helping me, you know?" He replied. Today was their anniversary for when they started dating.

Soobin sighed to himself. "Uh.. you chose the wrong person."

They paused their steps and looked at each. Soobin nervously laughed as Seokjin raised a brow at him.

"I mean.. I can probably think of one when we get there." Soobin said before walking again. Seokjin proudly smiled at him before shaking his head.

They then, make it to the shop Seokjin had planned on going to for the gift.

"There's so many things here.. what would be the best gift for Joonie..?"

"Well, anything that doesn't break easily." Soobin said before going to an aisle. He decided, since he's here, why not get Yeonjun something too?

"Something that doesn't break easily, huh.. oh!" Seokjin spotted something to give to Namjoon.

On the other hand, Soobin also found something to give to Yeonjun. The two meet up at the check out area and pay for their things before going back to the hotel to drop off their gifts.


"Ughh.. I can't seem to find it.." Beomgyu groaned as he continued to look through his suitcase.

"What's wrong, Gyu?" Taehyun asked, peaking from the bed.

"My necklace.. I brought it but I can't find my special necklace!" Beomgyu pouted, huffing in frustration.

"I'll help you find it, then." Taehyun got up from the bed and started helping Beomgyu search for them.

In the middle of searching, Taehyun realized something.

"Oh?" He questioned the necklace dangling around his neck. "This your special necklace, Gyu?"

Beomgyu looked at the necklace wide-eyed. "You had it this whole time?! Wahhh! We searched this entire room for no reason!" He whined, plopping himself on the bed like a starfish.

Taehyun chuckled. "I'm sorry baby~" he climbed on top of Beomgyu's back. "I didn't mean to make you search everywhere~" he said in the most baby sounding voice possible.

"Beomie is mad.. but Beomie can never be mad a Tyunie." Beomgyu replied, turning and hugging the other on his tummy.

They then fell asleep because of the tiring search for the special necklace. Reason it's so special? Because Taehyun gave that necklace to Beomgyu. (Dunno if I said anything about a special necklace before or if it was from his mom or Taehyun- oops.)


"Huening- I'm pretty sure we're gonna go back to Las Vegas in a few days."

"Nuh uh! It's definitely tomorrow, Hobi!"

"But didn't Jin say he had things planned out?"

"Yeahh, but it got ruined because of Disneyland!"

"Sure, not like we have the plane tickets on the right date."

"Hey guys! I just got five plane tickets to Las Vegas. Five of you can leave early." Seokjin said, interrupting the fight going on between Hoseok and Huening Kai. Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Soobin were watching.

"Oh! Can I go? Pleasee!" Jimin begged, only for Seokjin to shake his head, no.

"Sorry, but I actually got these tickets early for the five youngest. Yeonjun and Soobin are actually mature enough to go alone with three others. They're also really mature, right Kai?"

"Yes, Jinnie!" Huening exclaimed, going into a salute position.

"Alright, fine. Guess it is fair since they are our prides and sunshines."

"I thought I was your sunshine!" Hoseok frowned towards Namjoon.

"Yeah- ok maybe. But they're just cuter." Namjoon shrugged.

"Can't disagree on that one." Seokjin stated.

Meanwhile, Soobin and Huening Kai are just there like •-•

Then, in came Jungkook and for some reason not with Yoongi.

"Hey guys! What's happening?" Jungkook questioned, looking around the area they were at. A small café inside the hotel.

"Oh? Hey kookie. We were just talking about how Jin got five tickets back to Las Vegas and they're for our babies." Jimin said.

"Babies? Really.." Soobin covered his face in embarrassment.

"Yup, why? We always called you that, haven't we?" Hoseok asked.

"I- I don't know.. I feel like you have but at the same time it feels new.." Soobin replied.

"Oh, I think that's because it's the first time we called you babies in California." Taehyung giggled.

"You think?" Huening groaned, also covering his red cheeks from the embarrassment.

"Ok, enough talk. I think it's best we hurry and pack your things, little ones. Your flight is tomorrow." Seokjin said.

"Tomorrow?!" Huening and Soobin shrieked. They jumped up from their spots and hurried up the elevator to their rooms.

"I'll go warn the others." Seokjin then teleported to the rooms.

"Great, we'll just finish all this food then." Jungkook said before starting to dig in. The others just watch him eat.

I ended up creating another story
So now I might end up
Wrapping up this story
For gods sake I can't
Make up my mind

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