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Saturday, December 4th 2020

"Rise and shine bitches!! It's my fucking birthday!!" Seokjin yelled from his microphone in the dorm halls.

A few heads soon peaked out from their rooms.

"Jinnie.. whyy..." Hoseok whined with slightly closed eyes.

"Because it's my fucking birthday!" Seokjin replied. "Now get your lazy asses out of bed and get ready!"

"Hmph, and you said we can't curse." Taehyung rolled his eyes before disappearing into his shared room with Jimin.

"Oh right, we also have that flight to Los Angeles in three hours." Seokjin added. A ton of shuffling and things being knocked down were then heard from every room. "Oh so now you get up! You know what, whatever!"


"You know, people get special treats at the airport when it's their birthday~" Seokjin sang, looking at everyone through the mirror. No one paid attention though and just kept facing the road. "You people have no respect!" He groaned.

Giggles were heard from Huening kai but were soon gone in seconds.

"Soobin, don't think I won't remember this tomorrow."

This is Soobin's face right now 🥲

Soon, they arrived at the airport as they parked into the parking lot for travelers who are leaving and coming back in a short period of tine.

They hastily make their way to the check in area and then to the security point. Taehyung was stopped twice for having random things hidden within his clothes or multiple bags he brought. It caused them a whole time lost. Glad they got there an hour early.

"Taehyung, why in the world do you have so many spoons in your sleeves?" Namjoon questioned the younger.

"Taehyun taught me magic tricks, I always have something up my sleeve." Taehyung explained casually with a boxy smile.

"Yeah, with a stick. You brought spoons to an airport? Really? How are you older than me?" Taehyun asked him. Taehyung just shrugged.

"Yoongi? Why are you laying on me standing up..?" Jungkook asked the other. He got a snore in reply, which he chuckled.

"Jungkook, just carry him. We're almost there anyways." Seokjin said as he strutted towards the gate they're supposed to be at by now. Security took a really long time.

"Yeah, it's his birthday and all, but I really see no reason for him to gain all that attention." Yeonjun sighed to himself as he watched the vampire.

"Come on guys! I can't wait to fly on the plane!" Beomgyu exclaimed, running towards Seokjin with his carry on bag. Taehyun ran after him.

After all, they both loved to watch the view. One being the feeling of the plane going up or landing and two being the beauty of their lover.

Everyone soon caught up to them and hurried to get into the plane, remembering not to leave anyone behind, like in home alone 2.

"Alright, say here if you're here." Seokjin said. "Huening kai."















"Here as always!"

"Joonie baby~"

"Not here, Jinnie!"

"Hehe, Hobi."




"Me. Here! Ok we're all here!" Seokjin finished.

"Finally! That took longer than when my aunt complains on how I never clean the house but she's no different, ugh." Taehyun rolled his eyes sassily from the sudden memory. Everyone giggled. Except Yoongi of course.

The plane finally took off and silence came to the twelve of them, occasional comments from Taehyung and Jimin, but other than that, everyone's staying silent for the rest of the crew who were either sleeping or watching movies. Also, they're in 1st class.

Beomgyu nudged Taehyun's arm. "Taehyun-ah, can we watch this?" He asked, pointing at one of the movies on the disks of movies. The screen on what looks like a giant wall shined brightly in the darkened plane.

"Of course, anything for you." Taehyun said before replacing the movie they were just watching with Toy Story.

"Yay!" Beomgyu cheered and rested his head on the other.

In this plane, the 1st class was sectioned into 2 seats, both bed looking chairs. They're colored black with white strips. A cup holder laid on the outside of each chair, leaving a small gap between the chairs but still close enough not to fall out of them.

Because of this, all the couples could snuggle closely together without having a cup holder blocking your path. It makes quite a romantic place to be at, as there are also curtains to keep unwelcoming looks coming your way.

With a push of a button, food will also come to serve you in a span of 5 minutes or less. Only when they're super busy will the food be delivered at most, 10 minutes. There has never been more than that.

The deluxe seating and romantic showcase, Beomgyu and Taehyun lure themselves to sleep as they watch their movie that makes them feel like children again.

Now let's just do a quick summary with the others cause this book is no longer about those two. Im just kidding it still is.

Jungkook and Yoongi are sleep cuddling. Taehyung and Jimin were chatting while snacking on chips. Soobin and Yeonjun were being horny. Seokjin and Namjoon were silently celebrating Seokjin's birthday of just the two of them, also watching a movie. Hoseok and Huening Kai are just watching a movie together with no romantic feelings involved as Hobi has his sprite and Hyuka has his precious Plushie everyone calls Molang.

But everyone else ends up asleep sooner or later, which annoys the writer on why she always makes them sleeping or not for a whole day and it reminds her of the fact her sleep schedule is fucked up and school starts soon and why tf is she talking to herself in a book-

But that all comes to an end when the plane comes crashing down safely to the ground, landing at high speed as the plane lines up to the place it belongs.

Also I changed road trip
to flight cuz I only just
Realized, half way through

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