7. Hangover Cure

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I carry the plate full of hot greasy food towards JJ's room while balancing a glass full of freshly squeezed orange juice under my arm. I twist the doorknob and open his door. He is laying on the wrong end of his bed with his mouth wide open, one leg dangling off the bed and one arm falling in the same direction.

"Good afternoon young man." I tap his stomach, earning a tired groan from him while he squints his eyes shut. "I made you breakfast."

JJ blinks a couple of times before opening his eyes completely. He stare wearily around the room. "It smells good, what is it?"

"Bacon, eggs and beans."

He sits up and I hand him the plate and pull the cutlery out of my pocket.

"And this is freshly squeezed OJ. Your childhood favourite."

He smiles while taking the cup from my hands. "Remember when we would steal the oranges from Mrs Edwards' tree and then take them inside and juice them. She would blame the other neighbours for stealing them but it was us the entire time."

I laugh. "She didn't expect the two tiny kids to be able to reach the top of that tall tree." JJ used to boost me up on his shoulders. I sit down on the other end of his bed and watch while he eats his breakfast. I already ate mine. I wanted to let him sleep for a little longer because he came home after 4am.

"Unless these groceries magically appeared on our doorstep, I assume you got them. Did you go this morning?"

I glance around the room, trying to delay my answer for a few seconds. "Umm... I may have went last night." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

JJ peers up at me. "You went out last night when I warned you not to?"

"Just be grateful for your hangover cure."

He places a piece of bacon into his mouth and speaks with his mouthful. "I am thankful, really. But it's dangers Bambi. Thank god you made it back in one piece."

"Barely." I whisper.

"What?" He asks while taking a sip of his orange juice.

"When I was walking home, that Kook Jeremy pulled over and knocked a bag of groceries out of my hands. When he took another swing, I was one step ahead of him and ducked. Then I hit him in the ribs and stomach and pulled him into a headlock. After teaching him a lesson, I made him apologise and then he got in his car and left."

"Fuck." JJ shouts, almost spilling his drink in the meantime. "I'm going to go to his house today. I don't fucking care if his father has a joint ownership in the yacht club. That Kook thinks he can lay hands on my cousin and get away with it? He's got another thing coming."

"JJ, I sorted him out. I don't think he will try anything again."

He shakes his head in disagreement. "He's a Kook, he won't just let it slide. Was he alone? Of course he had to be alone, the Kooks wouldn't have let you put him in a headlock. They would have ganged up on you. Next time they'll all come at you when you least expect it. They know where we live Scarlett. I can't leave you alone again. Not for a while."

Rafe let me. He didn't intervene at all.

"I'll be vigilant."

"I still won't leave you alone. I have a shift tonight that I'm going to call in sick for."

"Don't do that, you need the money. Especially since I am still unemployed. Hopefully not for long though. Kiara is coming job hunting with me today. I'm going to stop by some places in person and ask if they're hiring."

"I can come with you both. I don't trust those Kooks with either of you."

I smile at him coyly. "Protecting your two girls, huh?"

He frowns at me. "What?"

"Tell me JJ, what is going on between you and Kiara because I can most definitely sense something."

"He leans forwards and places the back of his hand on my forehead. "You feeling okay Bambi? You're not thinking straight. You must be ill."

"Don't try and dodge my question."

"I'm not dodging it. I can answer it easily. There's nothing going on between Kie and I. She's my best friend. That's all."

Yeah, I'm still not buying it.

"Alright, I'm going to have a shower and try to look somewhat presentable for my job hunt.

JJ continues eating his breakfast. "Yeah, go do that." I know he wants me to get away quickly so that I don't pester him about Kiara anymore.


"Are you hungry?" Kie eyes me as we exit the convenience store. Just like the first seven places, I have had no luck. When the employer tells you that they'll be in touch with you without even asking for your number, you know that you stand no chance.

"Yeah, let's stop for lunch. But I'm kinda broke so if you shout me this time, I'll get you next time."

Kiara slings her arm around my shoulder and rests her head against mine. "It's okay, I'll be your sugar mama."

I laugh. "You are the hottest sugar mama."

We both laugh while walking towards Ronnie's Cafe. This place wasn't here when I was a kid, it still looks relatively new apart from the graffiti on the left side of the tin shed.

While Kiara orders our lunch, I choose a table for us to sit at outside. There's not many options considering this place is quite busy. I glance around the outdoor area, trying to find a table. That's when my eyes meet two dark brown ones. The eye contact lasts milliseconds before Jeremy looks away from me.


An elderly couple stands up and leaves from the back left hand corner. There's an umbrella shielding the table too. That spot is perfect. I walk ahead and secure the spot. I pass Jeremy and his family and roll my eyes when he pulls his phone out of his pocket and pretends to be busily scrolling through it.

Kiara joins me a few minutes later and places table number 13 on our table. "It's an unlucky number for unlucky company. Did you see who is here?" She looks over her shoulder and glares at Jeremy who has his back to us. His Mum sees us staring and frowns suspiciously.

Earlier on in the day, I told Kie about my eventful night. She told me that the same thing happened to her countless times before which is why she now drives her Dad's truck or walks with at least one of the boys.

I reach out and pick up the table number. "Do you think this is a sign?" I hold it up beside my head. "That I'm not going to get a job?"

"There's got to be some place hiring. If we weren't already overstaffed at The Wreck then I would convince my Dad to hire you."

"Is that why he cut your back your shifts?"

She nods. "That and also because my parent's want me to focus on school."

Our conversation is interrupted by my phone vibrating against the table. I pick it up and see that my mother dearest is calling. I press decline and place my phone back down on the table."

"Sorry, you were saying?"

"You're not going to answer that?" Kie asks, pointing to my phone. As if on cue, it starts to ring again. Once again, I decline my mother's call.


Kie raises an eyebrow at me. "Your Dad?"

"No, he doesn't care enough to call. It's my Mum."

Kiara's mouth widens. "Oh..."

"Yeah, I'm not going to talk to her because she's just going to ask when I'm coming home."

"So you're going to ghost your own mother?"

I nod my head. "Yep, that's the easiest way to deal with it."

His Choice - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now