After leading me into his father's office, Rafe places the journal on the wooden desk, then walks around to the side that I am standing and pulls the seat out for me. He taps the seat, waiting for me to sit down.
I pick up the book and flick through it. It is quite heavy for a small journal. It is small in size but filled with many pages.
"Look at the size of this thing. It is going to take me at least two days to read it. I'll take it home and report back to you once I have finished reading it."
He shakes his head at me. "Absolutely not. You will take my book, give it to the Pogues and you will find the cure without me."
"You don't trust me?"
"I don't trust anyone."
I hold the journal out to him. "Then you'll have to solve it yourself then." When he doesn't take it from me, I take a step forwards and place the book against his chest and turn around, ready to make my way towards the door.
"Wait." Rafe calls and I turn back around, crossing my hands over my chest and watching him curiously. "You can take it but you better not fuck me over because then I'll get mad." He walks over to me and stops walking when is abdomen is touching my arms which are still crossed together. "And I think you know what I'm capable of when I'm mad."
I stand up on my toes while looking up at him. "And I think you know that I'm not scared of you." I take the book from his hands while maintaining eye contact with him. I turn around and begin walking to the door, but he catches my wrist and pulls me back into him. I smirk at him when I turn around. "Yeah?"
"I'm driving you."
"Well I have no other way of getting home, Cameron."
The book sits safely on my lap while Rafe drives me home. While I am looking out the window as we drive past the river, Rafe's phone beeps. I turn my head and watch as he picks up his phone and stares down at it while driving.
"You're going to get us both killed and then someone else will definitely find the cure before us."
"Fuck." He throws his phone into the compartment before slamming on his breaks. Rafe looks over his shoulder before quickly making a U-Turn and driving in the opposite direction.
"What are you doing? Home is that way." I point over my shoulder.
Rafe lets out a sigh. "There's something I have to do first."
"Like right now?"
"Yes like right now. In fact I should have been there thirty minutes ago but I forgot because you-" he stops speaking and hits his steering wheel with his palm.
"Because I what?"
He ignores me and continues driving way over the speed limit.
A short while later, we drive through a small abandoned park with lots of trees surrounding the area. Rafe drives along the broken path and eventually we arrive at what looks to be a caravan park. Rafe drives to the end trailer which is secluded from the rest. The car stops and he turns off the vehicle.
He looks over at me and I can see that he looks stressed. Well, he always looks stressed. He just looks slightly more stressed than usual. "Stay in here and lock the doors when I leave, alright?" When I don't answer him, he repeats himself much louder. "Alright?"
I nod my head. "Yeah, whatever. I'll lock the doors."
"I mean it Scarlett."
He unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. I reach over to the door and press the lock button. The cars lights flash orange after I press the button.

His Choice - Rafe Cameron
RomanceRafe Cameron is psychotic and his poor actions result from his drug addiction and pressure from his controlling father. Scarlett Maybank arrives back into town after 10 long years, to visit her cousin. Upon her first encounter with Rafe since being...