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Just a few words from me.
You may skip this part if you're not interested.
First time writing here, so please don't judge too harshly.
I promise to update as often as I can.
This is entirely fictional and not meant to offend or defame anyone. I love BTS. 💜💜💜
This story is not in any way related to the real BTS or anyone else mentioned in the story.
I'm open to slight suggestions and corrections.
If you don't enjoy the story, it's alright.
you can just exit. Again, no offense.
Please, do leave comments for me.

Ps. no rude comments, please.
I'm sure the world is past that now. lol
let's keep all comments civil and simply laugh, cry and even cringe together.  ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Here we go.....

SERENDIPITY! 💜❣️ (TaeKook).Where stories live. Discover now