14. ❣️💜

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"I promise, I'll be fine." Jimin had to reassure Yoongi so many times, before he finally pulled away from the breath constricting hug he held the boy in.

"Let's go, Yoongi." Namjoon said, almost dragging a worried Yoongi along with them.

They headed straight to the warehouse, hoping they wouldn't be too late.

The place was just as suspiciously quiet as it was, when TaeHyung and Jungkook arrived. They crept in quietly, with their guns out, ready to shoot at whoever got in their way.

After getting through the entrance and the narrow hall way, Namjoon silently signalled that they split up, which they did.

Yoongi was the first to encounter some guys in a room. They were about 7 and didn't seem armed, as they were sitting round a table, playing cards. He guessed, to pass the time. He could see some guns on the other table that was in the room.

They didn't seem to be expecting any confrontation, judging from how relaxed they seemed.

Before they could sense his presence, Yoongi had shot three of them. By the time they processed what was happening, he had shot two more.

One of the last two ran at him and Yoongi grabbed him by the arm he swung to punch him, and broke the arm, earning a sickening crunchy sound and a pain filled scream. Then turned the guy's body around to use him as a shield, just in time for the bullet coming at him, from the last man standing.

Yoongi shot the last guy down, then flung the bloody body he was holding, away from himself with a disgusted scowl on his face. Then he walked out of the room, leaving one probably dead, two unconscious and  four groaning men in his wake.

He didn't shoot to kill them, but he knew they wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

After leaving the room, he searched three other rooms and found them empty, in the fourth one, he found Namjoon with two unconscious men on the floor behind him.

They both shared a smirk, before heading out to find the others.

They entered a room where they found Jin in combat with two men and two others on the ground, writhing and groaning. Another man was holding a tied up and struggling YoonHee, trying to forcefully take her with him.

Namjoon immediately shot the guy ( who was holding YoonHee). One bullet in his arm and another in the leg, without missing. He screamed in pain, and as he crumpled to the ground, Namjoon rushed to hold YoonHee and free her.

Yoongi on the other hand helped Jin to sort out one of the men he was fighting, and Jin took care of the other, himself.

"Jin hyung, please take noona with you, away from here, while Yoongi and I go help Tae and Kook." Namjoon said.
Jin nodded and Namjoon hugged him. "Be safe." He whispered. Jin kissed his cheek and replied softly. "You too."

Yoongi hugged YoonHee as well, before they all parted ways.
"Go, hurry." Yoongi whispered.
(a.n: I'm just realizing that their names are alike. Lol)

Namjoon and Yoongi watched them walk away, before turning to face each other, then nod knowingly at each other. They could already hear the commotion.

They ran towards the noise to see TaeHyung and Jungkook fighting with Bulky and his remaining men. Hoseok was still tied up, with strings of cuss words escaping his mouth as he watched, and struggled with his restraints.

They immediately joined in and incapacitated Bulky's men, rendering them unconscious.

By the time the commotion died down, they all looked up to see Bulky holding Jungkook hostage. His left arm was around his neck, while the right one held a gun to his head.

"Drop your weapons and stand down." Bulky yelled. Which everyone except Yoongi complied to immediately.
" Don't you dare hurt him." TaeHyung calmly said.

"Then tell your friend to drop his gun. If he tries anything funny, I'll put a bullet through Jeon's head." Bulky threatened.

"Hyung, please drop the gun." Namjoon pleaded.
Yoongi reluctantly agreed. " Fine." He said, with a deep scowl.

As he slowly bent down to drop the gun, Bulky turned his attention to TaeHyung and Namjoon. "Where's she?!!!" He shouted.

"I have no idea. You tell me. Weren't you the one who kidnapped her?" TaeHyung answered with a smirk. Knowing fully well that Jin must have her, seeing as he's not there with the others.

"Don't test me, boy. I have a gun pointed to your lover's head."
"You're making a mistake if you think he cares."Jungkook said, looking TaeHyung in the eyes, willing him to play along and just get away, now that they had Yoonhee, as he figured.

He knew that TaeHyung would not want this, but he really hoped he would let him make the sacrifice.  He could see TaeHyung shaking his head slightly. And he wanted to groan out of frustration. That boy was too stubborn.

"I'm not letting you take away anyone from me." TaeHyung answered, his eyes sharp with determination, his jaw clenched, hands balled into fists.

"What are you gonna do? Don't be thinking any crazy tho-"  Bam!

Bulky was cut off by a loud noise, and realized it was the sound of a large plank coming in contact with the back of his head, as he crumpled to the ground from the impact, bringing Jungkook down with him, with his weight.

It was Hoseok. He had somehow freed himself with a shard of broken glass he found in all the chaos that had happened.

Before Bulky could move again, Yoongi had grabbed his gun, tossed it to TaeHyung who shot him right in the chest, as soon as Jungkook crawled out from under the weight.

TaeHyung immediately threw the gun away and ran to hug Jungkook so tightly the boy could hardly breathe.

"I was so scared, I thought I was gonna lose you." He said, sighing in relief.

" You might, if you keep hugging me so tightly." Jungkook said, breathlessly. "You're like a boa constrictor right now". He added, making Yoongi and Namjoon laugh, and Tae hit him on the chest.

Jungkook winced teasingly and chuckled when TaeHyung only got up and started to walk away. He then went after him and hugged him from behind, kissing his nape.

"I'm so glad we're safe." He whispered, causing shivers to go up Taehyung's neck.
"Me too." He replied and turned around to place their foreheads against each other before they leaned in for their lips to meet in a tender kiss.

"Okay, alright, break it up. You're making me miss my baby. Let's get out of here." Yoongi said, and the other four men laughed and walked out.

They went to the cafe Jimin was waiting at, and found Jimin and Jin, waiting there with YoonHee. 

Hoseok was the first to rush in and engulf YoonHee in a bone crushing hug, hot tears cascading down both their faces. 

They all walked in, hugging one another, basking in the relief-filled moment. Just glad that it was all over and they were all safe at last. 

I know. I don't really know what just went down here, but I'm hoping you guys would. Lol.

That Yoong's action part though, I'm so proud of myself for writing it, as bad as it is. 😂💔
No amount of apology would make up for how long I've dragged this book.
I'm sorry, still.
But next chapter is the last. And it's coming tomorrow.

I wonder if  anyone's still gonna read this.
I hope so. 😬

Love, Fer.

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