1. 💜❣️

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He woke up to the annoying buzz of his alarm and a throbbing headache. He tries to get up but feels some weight pressing him down.
Sighing, he cracks his eyes open and saw one of the girls from last night's party, scrawled almost completely on top of him.
He gently pushes her away and tries to roll to the other side, only to realize he was rolling on to the top of another girl. He groans and finally pushes himself out of the whole mess of tangled body parts.

After Jungkook successfully climbs out of his huge bed, he looks back on the bed, taking in the sight of sleeping, more like passed out humans in his bed. He smiles and shakes his head..
"aah...", the headache. It was due to the intensity of last night's drinking and partying.

He pads to his kitchen on his barefoot and in nothing but his boxers, to get himself a cup of coffee. He needs it terribly.

Jimin entered Jungkook's apartment, looking all freshened up and ready to go, like their nights didn't go the same way. But it did. Jimin has just always been able to get himself together, more easily than JK did, and JungKook was always fascinated by it.

"Jeez! you look like you got run over by a truck." Jimin teases.
"Shut up, man. whatever" JK replied before finishing his coffee.

"Come on, go wash up and get ready. Or we'll be late for the meeting."
"Shit!" JungKook shouted, remembering the meeting they had concerning an important business deal with their company's new associate.

He rushed to the bathroom and within 10 minutes, they were on their way to work.
His guests would let themselves out, it wasn't the first time.

Their ride to work as always, was the both of them racing each other.
Childish Jimin started it, and Jungkook being his competitive self, played along and even enjoyed it.

Jimin and Jungkook were like brothers. Jimin had lost his dad five years ago and Jungkook's father had immediately taken him in, and raised him along with Jungkook. He had lost his mother since his birth, but Jungkook's mom had been his mom too, since her husband and Jimin's dad became friends.

Although Jimin missed his parents, he never lacked affection and was never depressed.

They arrived at work, a bit late, but not too late for the meeting.

The meeting ended on a really good note. Byeol Group (their company) had successfully become partners with A&D (the other company).
A&D's executives then announced that there would be a party, later that night, to celebrate the new partnership.


YoonHee, Taehyung's father's sister, is the only remaining family member he had left. For this reason, they cherish each other endlessly. They had been through so much together.

"Tae, boys, breakfast is ready!", his aunt called. She was the only one who could call him Tae.
"Yes, aunt, I'm coming". He was already dressed and about to go down for his meal.
They usually had their meals in the bar. It was currently empty as they didn't open before noon.

In the day time, it was a diner, and in the evening, the bar resumes. Most of the bar's customers were bikers, but they also had other kinds of customers.

"Good morning, sweetie",
"Good morning, aunt".
His friends were also already coming downstairs one by one.
NamJoon who was first to arrive, as soon as he perceived the smell of steamed eggs and bacon. HoSeok and Jin arrived together. They all greeted aunt YoonHee, but Yoongi was nowhere to be found, as usual.

"Did anyone wake Suga (YoonGi's nickname)?" aunt YoonHee asked.
"I'm sure I didn't." NamJoon replied with his hands in the air, laughing.
"I'm not doing it either!" Jin exclaimed. No one liked to wake him. Not even Taehyung.

"Well, since you've all chosen me as the sacrificial lamb for the day, I'll go." HoSeok said and left his laughing friends.
He went upstairs and slightly opened YoonGi's door.
No response.
"Hyung!!!" he yells and immediately shuts the door and runs back downstairs to the others who kept laughing a the drama he just displayed.
"Well, I've tried." he said.

They were halfway into their meals before YoonGi finally woke up and joined them, looking grumpy.
"Smart move there, he said to HoSeok. If you hadn't run away like that, I'd probably be having your head for breakfast, right now."
HoSeok made a funny, scared face while touching his head, as if to confirm that it was still there. The others just kept laughing hard.

"Tae, please grab these supplies for the bar, on your way back." his aunt handed him a list as he was about heading out with his friends.
He nodded and placed a kiss on his aunt's cheeks before leaving with his friends.

Although there were other gangs, BTS were the toughest. They were like the policing gang for the others and they also protected the people around them. So, as long as the other gangs don't do anything illegal, make any trouble, get in BTS's way or hurt innocent people, they were all good.
It was nice for the residents to know that they had defenders and protectors.

Also, they we're good looking, so both men and women drooled at the sight of them riding through the town.

Presently, they were on their way to a hideout they got information about. For a while, they had been getting word of a syndicate operating low-key in their area and they were selling drugs, even to minors.

BTS's mode of operation was to bust the place, beat the shit out of the perpetrators and hand them over to the authorities on an anonymous report.
It's not like the police didn't know who was behind the reports, but that was how it was, and it remained that way.

They arrived at the hideout, ready to bust assess, but they got there late.
Someone had tipped the bad guys off, and they had moved most of their operations elsewhere. Only few men were left behind, trying to pack what's left of their stuff.

Taehyung and his friends beat the guys and tied them up and dragged their asses out of the building before burning it down and calling the cops.
They'll have to keep digging to find out the new location.

It was already getting late and the boys decided to head home. They stopped at a store to get the supplies for the bar and sped back in time for the bar to open.

So, this is officially the first chapter
It's kinda short, yeah?
Sorry the story's kinda slow, I'm just trying to paint the full picture and build the story up. Tae and Kook will meet in the next chapter, I promise.
I'll admit, writing is not exactly easy. 😂💔
But I'm having fun, and I hope when people start reading it, they would too.
BTW, I really hope someone eventually reads it.
I'm gonna keep writing like someone is reading though. 😁

Next update soon.
If I finish quickly, today. Otherwise, tomorrow.
Please leave comments.
No hate/ mean comments though. 💜❣️✌️

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