11. 💜❣️

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The next morning, Yoonhee got a call from MaRi, at the diner.
"Unni, good morning."
"Good morning, MaRi, what's up?"
"Uhm.. thing is, there's was a fight at the bar, last night. It was between one of our regulars and a scary looking guy."

"Okay... How bad was it?"
"Well, not so bad, but the new guy got injured and he's saying he wants an apology from the owner or he'll sue the place." MaRi replied sounding a bit scared.

"Why didn't you tell me last night, when it happened?" Yoonhee asked, clearly displeased.
"We thought it was his gonna end there, and we didn't want to disturb you on your mini vacation. We were going to tell you later though." MaRi said, apologetically. "We're sorry."

Yoonhee understood. "It's alright though. What of Min Hyuk?"
"He's talking with the man, trying to calm him down. But the man still insists on seeing the owner."
"Alright, I'll be there. Tell the man that."

"Are the other workers around yet? Yoonhee asked. "Some of them."
"Okay, send them home and let the others know they shouldn't come. Just close business for the day. We can't have the whole thing blow out of proportion."

"Okay unni. I'm sorry this happened. " MaRi said.
"It's alright, it's not your fault. Just try to handle the situation, I'll be there soon."

She got dressed, packed her bags and headed for the living area, where the boys were just lazing around, having just woken up.

"Where are you going?" TaeHyung asked, seeing that she was all dressed up, and noticing her packed luggage.
"I have to go back, there's a situation back at Home." she said, and explained the situation.

"Well then we'll come with you, just wait. We'll just pack up our stuff." HoSeok said, getting up.
"No. No there's no need for that. You guys stay till tomorrow, as planned."
"But we can't possibly let you go back and handle that alone." Jin said.

"It's nothing serious, alright. I'll just go see the guy, apologize and settle it. Besides, I won't be alone, I have Min Hyuk and MaRi to help me out. I already told them to close for the day, so there won't be much to do." She said, hoping she had convinced them.

"Are you sure you'll be fine, noona?" TaeHyung asked. "I promise." She told him.
"Let's not delay her any further." NamJoon said, understanding that she really didn't want to be a bother.

"Yeah, Jimin and I would drop her at the main road, and wait till she gets a cab home." Yoongi said, him and Jimin grabbing their coats.

"Bye noona." "see you soon!" "take care!"  "love you!" The boys shouted to her.

"Thanks guys." She said. " Alright then, take care, boys." she said, looking particularly at HoSeok. "See you soon." She said then looked away, following Yoongi and Jimin outside.

"For the record, I'm still against this." HoSeok complained.
Let's play videogames."TaeHyung said, to drag his mind off things.

They were going to see each other in less than twenty four hours, why did it feel so long to HoSeok?

Jungkook and NamJoon joined HoSeok and TaeHyung to play the video game. Jin was left alone to make breakfast, which he pulled off quite effectively. He made noodles and steamed eggs, with a side dish of assorted seafood.

They all ran and joined him to move breakfast to the table outside. Yoongi and Jimin arrived just in time to join the amazing breakfast.

After eating and cleaning up, they all dispersed as usual, HoSeok now feeling lonely since YoonHee had left.
He spent his time disturbing the other couples, playing video games and after that, he decided to take a nap.

It was past six in the evening. TaeHyung was on the bed, in the middle of a hot make out session with his boyfriend when he received a phone call from an unknown number. He didn't want to answer, but Jungkook made him.

"The person might keep calling, better to just get it over and done with." Jungkook reasoned.
"hm.. alright." TaeHyung whined.

He answered the call. "Hello?"
"Kim TaeHyung, long time no see..."
"The voice sounded so familiar he just couldn't place it though. "Who's this?" He wasn't really in the mood for this. But Jungkook kept patting his hair, so he kept calm.

"Well, I see you really don't remember this voice. What a naughty little nephew you are."
Taehyung's blood ran cold as he realised who it was. "You sick bastard!" TaeHyung sat up, making Jungkook sit up after him, worried.

"Ah.... I see you remember me now. Although that's no way to address your uncle, especially one you've not seen in years."

"I am in no way related to a monster like you, so get the fuck off my phone." TaeHyung yelled into the phone.
"Not so fast now. Don't you want to know how I got your number?"

"I don't fucking care. now fuck off, or so help me, I'll find you and kill you."
"Shut up you brat! I got your number from your aunt."

"You're kidding right?"
"Let's see. Yoonhee, say hello. What? You won't speak? What if I...."  He heard a woman scream in the background, it was Yoonhee."DON'T LISTEN TO HIM TAE, NO MATTER WHAT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Noona!" He cried. At this point Jungkook was getting frustrated as he didn't want to interrupt the call, but it was hard to just sit there. So, he went to call all the others.

"Believe me now?"  The man on the other end asked smugly.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on a strand of her hair, or I'll tear you from limb to limb!Just tell me what you want?"
"DON'T MAKE A DEAL WITH HIM! DON'T! *smack!* *scream*"

"Okay, fine. I'll just tie up her mouth." He said laughing.
"I swear I'll fucking kill you." TaeHyung promised.

"Yeah, find me first."

"Just tell me what you want! I'll do anything."

"Alright then, bring me the Jeon boy."

*Silence* as TaeHyung was trying to process what the man was talking about.

" I know he's with you. If you don't, I'll kill your aunt." He said and the call ended.

(Photo Credit to whom it is due.)

I wasn't planning to update this part today.
Anyway, last few chapters were fillers, yeah?

I just decided to update it, so I'll write more and get this book over with. 😂

So, I have this brilliant idea for another story. Or, at least, I think it's brilliant. *Nervous laughter.*
Anyway, I'll only update it if I get encouragement in the comment section.
Please? 🥺🌝
사랑해요!!! 💜❣️

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