Epilogue - part 1

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As I started to write this chapter, I thought it would be just 2000-3000 words like them usually, but then again, I was shocked when I saw that it's already 6000 comments. Would you believe that! For one chapter! More than 6000 words!

Because of that, I decided to make part 1 and part 2 of the epilogue!

So here it is, Epilogue Part 1 :-)




Dane now stopped crying. He calmed down a little bit! Hai and Dane are currently sitting at the bench where Dane was seated earlier.

"Are you okay now, Hon?" Hai asked Dane. The man looked at him angrily

"How dare you call me that?" Dane angrily said to Hai. The man seems to realize his mistake.

"I'm sorry, Dane! I didn't mean to call you that again! It's just that..." He can't finish his words. He is shy to tell Dane that he still calls him Hon! It never changes, even though he knows he doesn't have any right to call his former lover that.

"What are you doing here? and how did you find me here?" Dane said, trying to change the topic

"Ah about that, remember how I always find you here whenever we had problems? I thought this place symbolizes and affects you that way, so I came here. This place has always been your sanctuary. Your safe heaven!" Hai said to me

"Safe-haven from all of you?" Dane sarcastically said to him. Hai seems to notice the sarcastic aspect in Dane's voice.

After a few awkward seconds between the two, Dane was busy looking in front. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him while Hai is momentarily looking at him, then look away.

Hai then breathed deeply before he finally dared to speak again.

"What happened, Dane? Why are you crying again like that! Why did you go here? I thought you were finally happy with your husband. I thought when I left you. You are finally free from all the heartache that I was bringing you. What happened, Dane? I may not be able to help, but please tell me! Am I the reason?" Hai worriedly asked Dane

"Hahahaha, don't kid yourself, Hai! not every tear that will fall from my eyes will always be because of you! I'm already over you!" Dane seriously said. Hai acts like his been stabbed in his chest. He even did the action of him hurting.

"Ouch! You're so blunt ah~!" Hai playfully said

"But it's true!" Dane is smiling while saying this, which Hai didn't miss. He can't help but smile and comment on it.

"That's more like it! You should smile like that every day!" Hai happily said to Dane, which made the smile on his face instantly change into a poker face. Another second had passed, Dane suddenly spoke again.

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