A sinking feeling

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Last time with our heroes, they were on their way to catch a fairy to the next island. When suddenly two strange girls offered them tickets on board the famous St. Anne that was secretly a trap by the mischievous team rocket. On board the St. Anne our heroes made a new friend named Caleb who they invited to come along with them, but as things look their best, team rocket decided to execute their plan and steal everyone's Pokèmon. Our heroes had fought back to protect themselves and their Pokèmon when suddenly the ship was caught in a terrible storm and as everyone tried to evacuate our heroes were overwhelmed and thrown into a different section of the ship and into a room where they now lie unconscious. Will our heroes be able to get out of this terrible predicament?

DJ:(groans)Ugh my head.

Ethan:Everyone alright?

Caleb: Yeah I'm fine.

Shawn: Same here but can someone explain why we're all on the ceiling.

Ethan: I think that means the ship is upside down.

Caleb: Well that's just great.

DJ: Let's get off this death trap.

Shawn:(deadpan)Did you seriously just ignore that the ship is upside down?

DJ: No I heard you the first time let's just get out of here.

Ethan:(deadpan)Yeah small problem with that.

Caleb: What's the problem?

Shawn:(facepalm)Not you too.


Ethan:DJ the ship is upside down right?

DJ: Yeah.

Ethan:What do you think happens when a ship flips over?

DJ: Well wouldn't it just float there?

Shawn: Ok no I can't sit for another minute of this. The ship is underwater.

DJ & Caleb: ..... WHAT!?

DJ: How did I not figure that out!?

Shawn: That's what we're wondering.

Caleb:I wasn't exactly helping either.

DJ:(scared)Wait a second you mean we're completely underneath the ocean!

Shawn:Uhhh yeah.

Ethan: Ok let's not panic let's just find a way to get out of here.

Caleb: Then what? Last time I checked none of us could breathe underwater.

DJ: I'm with Caleb on this one.

Shawn:Um you forgot we have water Pokemon didn't you.

DJ:...(embarrassed)Shut up Shawn.


Caleb:Does everyone have a water Pokemon?

Shawn: I've got Squirtle.

Squirtle:(happily) Squirt Squirtle.

Ethan: I've got a Poliwrath.

Caleb: Cool and I've got my Psyduck.

DJ: I....don't have one.

Shawn: oh.

Ethan:(smiles)Don't worry DJ you can tag along with me. Poliwrath is definitely strong enough to pull us both.

DJ:(smiles)Thanks Ethan

Shawn: Alright let's find a way out of here first.

They left the room and walked down a hallway and came to a stop when they reached the stairway and it was flooded with water.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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