A Clefairy tale

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Last time in the world of Pokemon, our heroes had finally made it to pewter city and with a little pre battle training for our heroes, they all managed to come out on top and defeat the gym leader Brock and earned boulder badges. Now our heroes are on their way to Cerulean city for their second gym battle to earn their second gym badge. But for now let's join our heroes as they hike on through Mt. Moon, Where they will witness that some legends tend to be true.

Shawn: So where are we now DJ?

DJ: According to my map we're heading towards Mt. Moon.

Ethan: Mt. Moon huh?

DJ: Yeah, it says it's a very mysterious cave with a rock that's called a moon stone.

Shawn: That sounds awesome, i wonder what-

???: Aaaaaaaahhhh!!

DJ: What was that?!

Shawn: I don't know but it sounds like someone's in trouble.

Ethan: Let's go see.

They all ran up the hill and found a man in a lab coat being attacked by a group of zubat.

DJ:(gasp)What are those pokemon?!

Ethan: And why are they attacking that guy?!

Shawn's Pokédex: Zubat, the bat pokemon. Zubat stay in large caves and abandoned houses. They hate the light so much that they stay hidden during day time.

Shawn:Apparently not these Zubat.

DJ: Quick Bulbasaur razor leaf!

Ethan: Charmander use flamethrower!

Shawn: And Squirtle use bubble beam!

The three starters launched their moves and chased the Zubat back into the cave.

???: Ow. Oh.

Shawn:(concerned)Are you ok?

???: Oh thank you thank you thank you! That was truly amazing, all of you were just fantastic and thanks to you I'm alive! I'm alive!

DJ: You're welcome mister, but why did those Zubat attack you?

???:(Mad) Never call me mister! My name is Seymour. Seymour the scientist!

Ethan:(Confused)Ok but that doesn't answer why the Zubat attacked you.

Seymour: Oh that's right, just follow me.

Seymour led them into the cave that the Zubat just went into and the cave walls were lined up with lights.

Seymour: You see, these lights were hung up along the Zubat's cave and making them very angry and confused because Zubat only like to live in the dark.

Shawn:That makes sense.

DJ: So that's why they attacked you back there.

Ethan: But who put the lights up?

Seymour: Sadly I don't know who did it just yet. But I do know that who ever it is they're hurting these poor pokemon.

Shawn: Why would someone do that?

Seymour: I think they're after the moon stone.

Shawn, DJ, and Ethan: The moon stone?

Seymour: Yes. Within this very cave lies the moon stone that mysteriously appeared from outer space that is said to be 100 thousand years old or even older, but no one has ever been able to find it.

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