Building a new Connection

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, our heroes had yet another run in with team rocket but this time it had seemed that one of our heroes, Shawn, was in grave danger from a poison gas attack. But with bright determination DJ ran into the forest and found some Pecha berries for his friend. Then as fate would have it they end up running into Josh and Tristan once more and defeat them in battle. Now our heroes are off again on the road but the only question is just where are they heading?

DJ:(worried)Shawn are you sure you're ok?

Shawn:(Smiles)Yes DJ I'm fine stop worrying so much.

DJ: Sorry I can't help it.

Ethan: We almost lost you Shawn.

Shawn: Well I'm here now and you can stop all your worrying. The best thing right now is that everything is fine.

DJ: Yeah your right.

Ethan: We'll try not to worry so much.


Just then as they arrived in a clearing next to a pond they saw a Poliwag playing by the water.

Shawn:(smiles)Awww who's that Pokèmon?

Shawn's Pokèdex: Poliwag, the tadpole Pokèmon. The spiral on its belly differs by area, It is more adapted to swimming than running.

Shawn: It's so cute!

DJ: Of course he thinks it's cute.

Ethan: Doesn't he always?

Shawn: I hate you both.

DJ & Ethan:(laughs)


Shawn: I'm gonna catch it, wanna help Squirtle?


Squirtle then stood in front of the Poliwag and got ready to battle. Poliwag must have realized what was going on so it launched a water gun attack.

Shawn: Dodge it Squirtle!

Squirtle dodged the water gun.

Shawn: Now use bubble beam!

Squirtle launched bubble beam and nailed Poliwag.

Shawn: Now use rapid spin!

Squirtle then rammed into Poliwag with rapid spin.

DJ: Nows your chance Shawn!

Shawn: Alright go Pokèball!

But before the Pokèball landed it was knocked back by an even bigger Pokèmon.


DJ:What was that?!

Ethan: Another Pokèmon?!

The Pokèmon they saw looked like a bigger version of Poliwag and it had arms.

Ethan's Pokèdex: Poliwrath, the tadpole Pokèmon and the final evolved form of Poliwag. While being burly and muscular, Poliwrath can exercise effortlessly without getting tired.

DJ:Well being muscular is right.

Shawn: Maybe they're friends.

Ethan: It would seem so if Poliwrath is protecting Poliwag.

Poliwrath then fired bubble beam at Squirtle.

Ethan: It's attacking!

Shawn: Quick Squirtle dodge!

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