Bonding Experiences

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Last time on our adventure with our new trainers. Shawn, DJ, and Ethan all had a little trouble getting their first starter pokemon. The three starters managed to escape the laboratory and ran off into the forest. So our heroes ran off to save them from the dangers that awaited them. But they all got lost In the center of it all. They managed to track them down but had to face life threatening challenges to save them, and in the end Shawn chose Squirtle, DJ chose Bulbasaur, and Ethan chose Charmander. Now, as our heroes travel on, they stop for a short break in the Dinwell forest.

DJ:(Tired)Shawn can we take a break we've been walking for ages.

Shawn: Yeah Sure. I think it's lunch time any way.

Ethan:I'll get started with cooking.

Shawn:Oh yeah, I forgot you could cook Ethan.

Ethan:(bashful)it's not a big deal.

DJ:(happily)it's a huge deal! That means we'll have good food where ever we go.

Shawn: Well while he does that I think we should do something else DJ.

DJ:huh, like what?

Shawn:(Excited)Let's have a battle!

DJ:(Excited)Oh yeah! I've waited so long to have one!

Ethan: Well you two have fun. I'll set up everything for us to eat.

Shawn:Thanks Ethan.

DJ: Yeah, you're the best.

Ethan:Charmander, I choose you!

Ethan threw his pokeball into the air and Charmander popped out right beside him.


Ethan: Charmander do you think you can help me get things ready for lunch.

Charmander:(Affirmative)Char Charmander.

Shawn:(Amazed)So cool! Let me try! I choose you, Squirtle!

Shawn threw the pokeball and Squirtle fell right into his arms.


Shawn:Ready to do some training Squirtle.


DJ:Hey don't forget about me. Bulbasaur, Come on out!


DJ:(Excited)Bulbasaur how do you feel about battling Squirtle.

Bulbasaur:(Confident) Bulbasaur!

DJ:(Confident)We're ready when you are Shawn.

Shawn:(Confident)Then be ready to lose!

So Shawn and DJ got in place to have a battle.

Shawn: Alright let's see Squirtle's moves.

Shawn's Pokedex: Squirtle's moves are water gun, rapid spin, withdraw, and tackle.

Shawn: Haha sweet. Maybe you should check Bulbasaur's moves DJ!

DJ: Oh yeah that's a good idea!

DJ's Pokedex: Bulbasaur's moves are razor leaf, tackle, vine whip, and Leech seed.

DJ: Nice!(Cocky)Bulbasaur is a grass type meaning I've got the advantage.

Shawn:Don't be so full of yourself DJ. Strategy is the only thing that matters in a battle.

DJ:Yeah well let's just see how far that gets you. Bulbasaur use razor leaf!

Bulbasaur fires a razor leaf directly at Squirtle.

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