Let the journey begin

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Description of Me and my friends
Shawn(Me):18,pretty competitive, loves meeting new people, likes playing video games, and part of LGBTQ.
DJ:17,Sensitive,likes playing video games, and hates to lose a lot.
Ethan: 19,likes playing video games, always doubts himself, also apart of LGBTQ.

But for the story all of us are 12 years old.
The world of Pokemon, a vast variety of different types roaming the world in different ways. Some travel by soaring higher than the clouds, Deep in the sea, Underneath the earth, or roaming the grassy terrains and there are certain people who use these Pokemon for partnership in battle for the title of champion. This soon became a second nature to everyone where they would capture pokemon and train them to fight by their side in Pokemon battles. But there are also those who sell pokemon for their own evil purposes. But there are also those who cherish pokemon and raise them to the best of their ability. Here, in a small place called Silpon Town three new trainers are ready to get their very first pokemon from the legendary pokemon professor,Professor Oak, and take their first step as pokemon trainers. But the only question is, what kind of adventure awaits these three new trainers in this vast world of pokemon.

??? : (Happily)ALRIGHT!!! Today is finally the day! I'm finally gonna get my very first pokemon! And I'll be the best trainer in the world!

Shawn's Mom: Have you thought about which Pokemon you'll pick Shawn?

Shawn: huh? Oh yeah I forgot. Now which one should I pick?

Shawn's mom: Well dear you have Squirtle the water type, Bulbasaur the grass type, and charmander the Fire type. Which one do you think will help you most while you're traveling.

Shawn: hmm? I'm not too sure but I think I'll figure it out once I get there.

Shawn's mom: Honey wait!

Shawn: huh?

Shawn's Mom: Aren't you forgetting something?

Shawn: (gasp) My backpack!

Shawn's mom:(giggles) Be careful out there sweetheart and remember you're never alone as long as your with your Pokemon.

Shawn: (smiles)Thanks Mom. Bye!

Shawn's Mom: Bye bye sweetie come back safe and sound!

Shawn: I will, no need to worry!
???: Let's see here. Tent, Check. Sleeping bag, check. Bug spray, check. Map, check. Pokemon medicine, check. Well that looks like-

DJ's mom: DJ, Sweetie if you don't hurry you won't get your first Pokemon!

DJ: Coming Mom just making sure I packed everything!

DJ's Mom: Well sweetie your friend might be here any minute now.

DJ:(happily)Ok I'm done packing.

DJ's Mom: I'm so very proud of you already and you haven't even left. Sweetheart just promise me that no matter what happens you never give up, even if you lose.


DJ's Mom:(Smiles)Good.

Then there was a knock at the door.

DJ's Mom: That must be him now.

DJ opens the door and saw Shawn.


Shawn:(Excitedly)Hey bud, you ready to go?

DJ: Yeah definitely!

DJ's Mom:Please watch over DJ for me Shawn, you know he can be a handful.

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