Electric PikaPower

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, our heroes had suddenly come across an injured Vulpix and nursed it back to health and found it's heartless trainer Austin. After saving it from certain doom once more DJ decided to add Vulpix to his own team. Now as our heroes get one step closer to Vermillion city we now find our heroes continuing on the path to route 24.

Shawn: So DJ got any idea of where we are now?

DJ: Actually yeah. We're approaching Medley Town.

Ethan:Medley Town?

DJ: It's a small town know for it's amazing electric work and all kinds of beautiful things using electricity from electric type Pokèmon.

Shawn:Then what are we waiting for. It's been so long since I've been in a town so let's go.

Ethan: Wait up Shawn!

DJ: Yeah Shawn wait for us!

Shawn:(laughs)You guys are just to slow!

Suddenly when Shawn was running, his foot ended up sinking into the ground as DJ and Ethan managed to catch up.

Shawn: huh?

Ethan: Shawn?

DJ: What happened?

Shawn: Um I think my foot just-

Before Shawn could finish his sentence the entire ground beneath them collapsed as they fell into a large hole.


Shawn: Who put this dumb trap hole here?!

DJ: How should we know we're in here with you!

Ethan: Both of you stop complaining and let's get out of this hole!

But before they could move Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur all got caught in cages and got lifted out of the hole.

Shawn: What?!

DJ: Oh no!

Ethan: Who did that?!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble, you're down in our hole.

James: Make it double, we're on a roll.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all people's within our nation.

Jessie:To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team rocket blast off at the speed of light.

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth: Meowth,That's right.

Shawn: You three creeps again!

Jessie:(smirks)Yup and this time you Twerps can't do a thing now.

James:(mockingly)Have fun down in that hole!

Team rocket then ran off to their balloon as Shawn, DJ, and Ethan climbed out of the hole.

DJ: They're getting away!

Ethan: No they're not! Spearow, Come out and use aerial ace!

Ethan brought Spearow out of its Pokèball and made it use aerial ace and popped team rockets balloon before it took off.

Meowth: Now that really blows!

Shawn: Give us back our Pokèmon!

Jessie:Sorry but no! Ekans front and center!

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