A New Type of Power

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, Our heroes found themselves in the electrical hospitality of Medley Town and found out that all the electricity came from electric type Pokèmon. Once our heroes found that out they headed to the factory to see it first hand but found themselves training a Pikachu to enter it's new working place. But as the training commenced team rocket suddenly got the jump on our hero Shawn and swiped all of the Pokèmon but with bright determination, he and Pikachu managed to defeat team rocket and save the Pokèmon. Now our heroes continue on down the road to get to Vermillion city as Shawn has now added Pikachu to his team but the only question is just what awaits them around the corner.

Shawn: So just where are we right now?

DJ:(smiles)Closing in on Vermillion city very soon.

Ethan: Finally! It took us seven chapters in this book to finally get close to Vermillion city!

Shawn: Yeah and I can tell that the writer is probably getting tired of writing this probably.

DJ: Meh he'll get used to it.

Shawn: But anyway besides that let's keep it going.

DJ: Right.

Ethan: Ok.

They then continued to walk down the dirt path until they heard something rustling in the bushes next to them.

Shawn: Hey something's in the bushes.

DJ: Maybe it's a Pokèmon.

Ethan: If so then what is it?

The rustling stopped as a Meowth stepped out of the bushes.

Shawn:It's Meowth!

DJ: What are you doing here?!

Ethan: Team Rocket's gotta be nearby!

So they sat there back to back for a moment but nothing happened.

Shawn: Hey, what kind of game are you playing Meowth?


DJ: He looks confused.

Ethan: Maybe it's a wild Meowth.

Shawn: Could be. I'll catch it and make sure.

DJ: huh, why do you get to catch it?

Shawn: Because I said it first and i want it.

Ethan: Aww come on.

Shawn: Go Pokèball!

Shawn threw his Pokèball and hit the Meowth on the head as it was consumed by a red light and sucked inside. It wobbled a couple of times before letting out a noise letting Shawn know that he caught it.

Shawn:(excited)Alright! I caught a Meowth!


DJ: Well now what?

Ethan: Yeah what was the point of this again?

Shawn: Well we're gonna see if this Meowth is team rocket's Meowth.

DJ: Oh yeah.

Shawn: Come on out Meowth!

Shawn threw the Pokèball and brought out Meowth.


Shawn: Well it didn't speak English just now.

Ethan: What do you mean?

DJ: Oh yeah! Meowth from team rocket speaks English more than talking like a normal Pokèmon.

Ethan: You do have a point.

MineSmash8 Pokemon Adventures Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora