Fierceness of Discouragement

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, our heroes had yet again lost their way to Vermilion city and suddenly came across Bill the researchers lighthouse and had once again encountered team rocket but with dedication and determination and a sudden evolution from DJ's Abra our heroes won the day again and continued on down the road so now let us join our heroes once again as they have now found the place they have been searching for.

Shawn:(surprised)We're really here.

DJ:(surprised)I can't believe it.

Ethan:(surprised)We finally found it.

All:(excited)Vermilion City!

Shawn:(happily)Finally we can get our third gym badge!

DJ:(excited)We're gonna earn that badge for sure!

Ethan: But first things first!

Shawn & DJ: huh?

Ethan: We have to get these little guys cared for at the Pokèmon center.

Shawn: Oh yeah.

DJ: I forgot.

Shawn: So where's the nearest Pokèmon center?

DJ: It's right down the street from here.

Ethan: Then let's get moving.

They then proceeded to walk down the street looking for a Pokèmon center until something interesting caught DJ's eye.

DJ:(smirks)Hey Ethan look.

Ethan: what is it DJ?

Ethan looked at what DJ was looking at and smirked.

DJ & Ethan: Oh Shawn.

Shawn: What's up?

DJ:(smirks)Look what we found.

Shawn looked at what the others were looking at and saw a restaurant called the Surging devo.

Shawn:(smiles)Cool a restaurant.

Ethan: Yeah let's eat here.

DJ:(smirks)Ready to pay Shawn?

Shawn: What do you-

Shawn then remembered the bet that he made with them.

Shawn: Darn it I completely forgot about the bet!

DJ & Ethan:(laughs)

They went inside of the restaurant and found a table.

DJ: Alright strategy time.

Shawn: Yeah we gotta think about how this gym battle will go.

Ethan: We can't be over confident. This place is electric themed so I would say that they use electric types.

DJ: But neither of us have a ground type pokemon.

Shawn: But DJ you have a grass type. Bulbasaur isn't weak to electric types.

DJ: That is true but I'm going with Kadabra on this one. It'll be his first battle after evolving from Abra.

Shawn: That's a good Idea. Maybe I'll go with one of my Pokèmon who haven't been in many battles.

Ethan: I'll do the same.

The waitress then came by to take their orders.

Waitress:Hello there I'll be your waitress for today what would you like to order.

Shawn: Oh I'll just have a order of thunder fries.

DJ: I'll have the Thunderbolt burrito.

Ethan: And I'll have the Electrode meatballs.

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