Vulpix's Second Chance

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, our heroes found themselves lost in the forest trying to find their way out but as they crossed a treacherous bridge they became separated as Shawn and Squirtle were washed away by the rapids below. They were then rescued by a girl named Melanie who brought them to a Pokèmon village that held sick and injured Pokèmon and then released them to the wild when they were healthy and after yet another run in with Team Rocket our heroes remained victorious as our hero Ethan receives a new Pokèmon for his team and now they head on through the forest to try and find their way out.

Shawn:(groans)where are we?!

Ethan: Are you asking me or the person with the map?


DJ: Hang on I'm trying to find out where we are.

Ethan:(sarcastically)Oh well please take your sweet time DJ.

DJ: You're being sarcastic aren't you.

Ethan:(sarcastic)Nope not at all.

DJ:(sigh)It says that we need to take route twenty four in order to get to Vermillion city.

Shawn: And are we close to route Twenty four?

DJ: Actually we kind of are.

Shawn: Then let's hit the road already.

Ethan: Hey Shawn wait up!

DJ: Wait for me too!

On their way down the road they came to a split path.

Shawn: Great now where do we go?

DJ: I think we need to go right.

Ethan: You think?

DJ:(annoyed)Fine I know we need to go right. Happy now?


They head down the road to the right and soon see a small red fox like Pokèmon tied up to a tree by it's tails and it's muzzle tied shut lying on the ground in pain.

Shawn:(worried)Oh my goodness!

Ethan:(worried)What's that Pokèmon doing tied up?!

DJ's Pokèdex: Vulpix, the fox Pokèmon. Vulpix starts it's life with a single tail that splits into six as it grows. The fire inside it's body is constant burning.

Shawn:(worried)Poor thing.

Ethan:(worried) How long do you think it's been here?

DJ:(worried)It could've been days, it looks like it's starving.

DJ then pulled out a can of Pokèmon food that he made.

DJ:(worried)Vulpix can you hear me?

Vulpix then slowly opened its eyes and saw DJ and was instantly afraid.

DJ: No please don't be afraid of me. I want to help you.

DJ held out it's hand to try and give it some food but Vulpix scratched DJ to keep him away. DJ flinched but didn't move his hand away.


Ethan:(worried)Are you ok?

DJ:(softly)I'm fine, I'm fine. I just want to help you Vulpix.

Vulpix then slowly approached DJ and sniffed him. Vulpix then brushed it's head against DJ's hand showing that it trusts him.

DJ: That's right, you can trust me. Now let's get these ropes off of you.

MineSmash8 Pokemon Adventures Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora