A Hard-Knock Lesson

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Last time in the world of Pokèmon, our heroes found themselves traveling on the road for Vermilion city, they then came across a gym run by a strong trainer named AJ who was surely unbeatable. But our heroes pulled through and delivered AJ his first loss ever. After our heroes said their farewells they now head deep into the forest to find their way towards a new adventure but the true question is, just where are they now.

DJ: I can't believe we're lost in this fog.

Ethan: I blame Shawn.

Shawn: Hey! Don't blame me! You guys were the ones who ran off in the end of the last chapter.

DJ: Shawn could you not break fourth wall. You're gonna confuse all the readers.

Ethan: Will you two stop doing that so the story can continue. You know how long it takes the writer to write these chapters.

Shawn & DJ: Fine.

Ethan:(smiles)You know what, let's stop for a break.

Shawn:(happily) I agree with that.

DJ:(happily)Same here.

Ethan: Ok while I set up I'll need some firewood, So which one of will go and get me some?

Shawn: I could go.


Shawn: Welp, guess not. Squirtle's too afraid.

Bulbasaur & Charmander:(Snickering)


DJ: Eh I'll do it.

Ethan: Thanks DJ.

DJ: No problem, Come on Bulbasaur.

Ethan: Well since he's gone let's get everything ready.

Shawn: Sure since I can't get any fire wood.
-----------------------With DJ----------------------

DJ: Hmm, a couple more sticks and branches should be good and we can head back.


Then off in the distance in the fog DJ saw a small piece of light flickering.

DJ:(Nervously) I wonder what that could be?

As DJ got closer he could see a group of kids surrounding one kid on a treadmill with candles.

(A/N:I don't know the names of the kids except for one so don't come at me.)

Kid 1: Now can you tell us the name of this Pokèmon.

???:(Panting)Is it a Zubat?

Kid 2:(Harshly) Just because it's foggy out here doesn't mean your brain has to be fogged.

???:It's a Pidgey.

Kid 3: Nice guess. You just got lucky.

Kid 4: Now tell us what it's attacks are.

???: It's attack is gust and at level 5 it learns sand attack and at level 12 it learns-

Kid 2: Yeah yeah we know that already just tell us when Pidgey evolves and what's the name of its evolved stage?

???: Ummm-

Kid 3: Better hurry up or you'll have to run faster.

The boy on the treadmill couldn't answer the question and ended up tripping and falling onto the ground.

???:(groans)I'm sorry I forgot.

Kid 1: You forgot huh? Well how about you just forget everything we've tried to teach you because you'll never be able to reach our level.

MineSmash8 Pokemon Adventures जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें