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I felt today the sun wanted to be my enemy by coming up sooner then I wished. Sleep something I once again wasn't getting much of. Rest only having my mind want for things that I could not have. Turning in the empty bed that had the faint smell of cherry blossoms. Craving for the warmth and body that came with it to hold that seemed the only way for me to actually get a good night sleep.

But that was two weeks ago.

Persephone back in her apartment as if she had never left. On top of that she has been busy since she had taken a week off to now catch up. Apparently Howl the same just getting back from a short trip back home. Still needing to talk to him and vice versa on many things. A good excuse to physically see him and my angel after. Only been texting short conversations wanting to have her in my arms. 

Opening my eyes to get ready for the day. Showering with brushing my teeth to slide on dark blue slacks and a white button up shirt. Grasping a matching tie and jacket with a watch I bearly cared to look at. Time I was always good at managing having a acute sense of it. Something I had acquired being in the field for so long. Placing my favorite gun in its holster under my jacket heading out. The house quite but not fully empty coming into the living room to see Rosaleen holding a pout upon her lips. Her book unread as she was staring out at nothing.

"Is Zachariah working today." Having startled her for hazel eyes to line up with mine sharply only to blush.

"He is testing out cars at a race track today." Having not seen my sister like this sense Roberts seeming to miss Zachariah's presence that has been missing for a few days now. 

Rosaleen stayed behind not wanting to be back home were apparently the house was now full. I myself knew it was mostly that she did not want to leave without Zachariah now. A person I did not mind having around getting along very well with and could see treated my sister right. The girl grasping her phone quickly as it chimed with a message.

"Was that him." I questioned to the speed she answered it with a smile growing upon the screen.

"He says will be there late but misses me and wish I could have came to watch him." She voiced messaging him back something that I had her pause before replying.

"Get the address and I'll take you... If you want." Smiling with a teasing tone as she jumped up instantly with a thank you before running up the stairs to most likely change. Giving me time to make something to eat.

Rosaleen was good at cooking but usually made something small as I looked to the fridge to see pancakes and strips of bacon with scrambled eggs. The girl still used to getting up at six in the morning for school even when that was almost three years go now twenty. Remembering sometimes when I would go on runs find her in the barn already brushing out the horses. Seeming to always keep busy if she wasn't reading a book.

Warming up the plate while pouring myself a glass of orange juice starting the coffee maker. Sitting down at the bar to wait for Rosaleen. It not long after I finished and poured my coffee coming down in a simple floral yellow dress that tied at the side with short sleeves and flowed down and to the back around her ankles. A more adequate dress for my sisters to wear in cute bow wedges along with a hat and sunglasses ready to go.

Rosaleen giving me the address he provided that wasn't too far. Getting into my Jaguar F-TYPE SVR that was pearl orange I knew he had been eyeing a few times in the garage. Putting it into gear once she was buckled in. One SUV following as I followed the directions to the track. The drive fun with my sister humming along to the songs on the radio. Glad to see how happy she was and coming back to her true self. Seeing excitement building as we turned off the freeway till we were coming up on the track. Parking to the side of it with her getting out once the car had stopped.

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