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Sorry for the wait had to go back and change some details in the story that did not make sense. Please if you ever noticed a detail that is not right from a pst chapter let me know. Sometimes I get ahead of myself as you saw how fast I had posted from coming back that I was missing details from the past chapter. I want these books to be good enough to one day publish.

Thank you

Happy reading


Walking threw the rod iron gates was always a daunting feeling.

Taking the path to where I needed to go along the trimmed grass and few trees that lined the thin road to drive upon. Always taking a taxi here for safety of not being known of my visits. The stone heads changing in styles of loved ones that had past. Going down a short hill to where one felt the hardest to see.

My mother's head stone that was in true, real. The curved stone simple with her name and years she had lived. A dedication to her art that she loved written above. Picking up the deceased flowers from many months ago. Replacing them with the new ones that were her favorite. Caressing the stone top as I bent down before it.

"Hey mother." Never truly having much to say for we were almost close to strangers when alive. But she was still my mother and was never cruel to me. Just aloof in her own world.

Standing, turning to the one beside it that would forever haunt me as a lie. The stone a beautiful white marble with carefully carved words into it. It appearing almost angelic to its construction. Stepping over to it as I bent down, sliding my fingers in between the groves of each letter. 

Our Beloved Daughter Grace Ophelia Dohery
You Graced this World for a short time
And will Be Remembered for Eternity in Our Hearts.

I whole believed now only one person remembered me and still held me in there heart. Wanting to cry all over again as I thought about the man that was making it harder now to keep myself from. Wanting nothing more to come out and tell him I was here still. That this was only for show.

That I was alive.

But that would be a fantasy. Fear of someone knowing of my existence was still at a all time high. No matter who it was could lead to them. Howl having told me just days ago that they were spotted here. Paling instantly to the news that the men that took my life were closer than ever. This week going as far as working from home. A fear one may happen to walk by and recognize me.

It would be farfetch if they did for I looked nothing the same from that day. My back a testament to their intent, failed. Even more I was not going to be that useless girl and take it like I had before. Fight the way I should have for my life because I was stronger now and as the hours past a reality setting in that was changing by one man. 

To take back my life if given the chance. 

I wanted to tell myself that I wouldn't freeze up if I saw them again. Be the strong confident woman I know I was and take my chance to end them like they had wished me growing. A hope that I would be able to free myself from a life of always hiding and give myself fully to the man that deserved all of me. A heart stopping shock that our one night had meant so much more to him as much as I. The hope he thought of me a reality I would have never imagined.

Our time together fleeting that was marked upon his skin for eternity. A man that in one night made all the pain after worth it. Now even more a life I had never thought to come to fruition before me. The boy a man now that was more than I could have ever thought to be in my dreams. He was everything I could ever want.

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