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The moment he walk to Persephone side, I wanted to punch him as his lips touched her cheek

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The moment he walk to Persephone side, I wanted to punch him as his lips touched her cheek. My skin crawling with irritation and rage by the sight. An impulsive reaction that I could do nothing about. She was not mine.


"Vincent Roberts. Never expected him to be here." Pauli remarked, pausing from talking business as his eye seemed to be locked on the object of my rage across the table.

"He's Miss. Sulivan's boyfriend." I gritted out taking a long swig of my scotch. Dinner having started a moment ago. The food before me barely touch by the loss of appetite now.

"Really now. This is interesting... I had thought that you were together? Ace Harper, the lone wolf finally found a female for himself. I guess I was wrong." His tone amused as he cut into his steak to then wash down with the last of his own drink. "But then again you did dress her like a Princess and had her come to meet Hayley at our home, no less. It makes me wonder what your up too now. If she is with someone, then why did you go thru all this effort to be wasted on someone that isn't even yours." Glancing over to my glittering angel as she listened and signed to her friends. Catching bits of it that had me smile softly like the idiot I know Pauli thought I was.

"Because she will be in time." I replied easily turning back to see his brows pulled together as he turned to gaze to her himself.

"Why, have they not been together long?" He questioned making my jaw tighten instantly.

"Two years and she's moving in with him tomorrow." Signaling to the waiter to refill my drink. Knowing tonight I was going to need it to survive the night from doing something stupid.

"Two years! Ace? Why are you going after a woman that has no interest in you then?" His tone accusing as I figured he thought me insane. Thinking it myself that I might just be but only to be reaffirmed easily with a glance from those turquoise eyes that I could see for what they truly wanted.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong. She is definitely more interested in me then she is in him." Our eyes locked together as if there was an invisible connection between us. A constant longing that I wanted to reel in and cast those doubts a side that she seemed to have in me at times. Making our eyes snap from my gaze and back to the girl.

"So you're showing off your wealth too her then. Is that what today was about? Show her the life of luxury you could provide? Dressing her up in the highest fashion by my wife, then bath her  in diamonds and then she'll just leave him for you? Is that what you really want. I can see she is down right beautiful but, do you really want a vain woman at your side?" His concern valid for my happiness that was far from what I was doing. 

"Actually it had none of that to do with it. What I really wanted to see was how comfortable she would be in your house with everyone watching her every move. If she had any care for the luxuries and most of all. How she held herself with Hayley and her dominate personality to see if she could survive our lifestyle." I explained as he seemed to take that all in with a calculating eye as if he was now looking at her in a new light.

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