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The sun's bright light was like acid to my sensitive closed eyes. Rolling away from it to try and hide but the pounding of my head seem to worse when I spun into the comfy pillow that wasn't relieving the pain. Groaning that I wasn't going to get anymore sleep. Wishing my bodies internal alarm knew how to snooze. Moving my head again to press my cheek into the heavenly pillow. Opening my eyes to see a nightstand before me with a glass of water graciously waiting for my parched tongue to soak up. Lifting myself to see two pills before it that looked like aspirin. Taking them and greedily drinking all the water in seconds.

Rubbing my eyes of the fog of sleep and hope the sun's rays of light softened. I looked around the room that I knew I have never been in before. Pulling the thick comforters back to see I wasn't in my dress and still was in Ace's shirt. His smell still on it taking in a deep breath to hope and calm my migraine that was pulsating in my head. Rubbing my eyes again looking more around the room to see a bag on the floor besides the bathroom door. 

Slowly as to not rattle my head further. Walked over to the bag as my feet sank into the plush cream carpet. My toes loving the feel and softest stopping before it. Bending down to see my cloths from yesterday in them and a cute cotton dark blue sleeveless V neck dress. It having a collar around the neck and a tie around the waist in front. Underneath was a set of new underwear that were a soft lace and my size tilting my head in confusion knowing they were not mine.

Smiling anyways, I went into the bathroom and found towels to take a nice hot showing to wake up more. Astonished that just last night I had told him my favorite smell and already inside the shower was cherry blossom shampoo and conditioner. Grinning at how the man did it relaxing more into the comforting smell. Aches in my body slowly releasing as the minutes went by. 

The aspirin kicking in once I was getting out and drying off. Sliding on the new underwear so soft that was white with a baby blue lace for design with matching bra. The dress fitting perfect, its length a little shorter then I would have liked but looked amazing on. Coming out of the bathroom to let my hair naturally dry and to the window to see the sun not feeling as harsh anymore. Looking out to the busy streets of the city. Glass windows all the way down as I suddenly realized where I was. Taking a step back as I spun around the room taking in the luxurys of it.

This was Ace's building. 

I was in his house! 

All the way at the top at that!

Looking to the beautiful roman numeral clock I could see too that I was in deep shit. But at the same time I was still a little early if the streets where not as congested as I hopped. If you could get out of here undetected. That being another problem. Going back to the bag and finding matching wedge shoes to the dress. Wondering who picked it out but liking it. Sliding them on and taking the bag with Ace shirt now in it heading to the door. 

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