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It seemed life beyond this desk before me was going right.

The city below feeling not much of a rat race but a goal for so much more.

And it had everything to do with the woman that was holding my attention effortlessly right now. Even as she was talking numbers and square footage for furniture. So damn sexy in her fitted silk crème blouse and the high waist pencil skirt not leaving much to the imagination of those curves. Smooth legs going down to black velvet heels crossed at the ankles. Poised on the edge of the chair before me elegantly. Glad I was behind my desk to hide the bulge of my slacks watching those dark red lips of hers pursed and then smile slowly.

Her fingers coming into view with a snap. Focusing more on her then just parts. Lifting a corner of my lips in amusement that matched her own. Relaxing back into my chair as I pulled a leg over my knee to give my anatomy more room. Wishing I had not agreed to her altimatom once we had gotten back from my families home two weeks ago that when it was business hour. It really meet only business. Clenching my jaw now wishing I hadn't agreed because I wanted to bend her over my desk right now and see that angelic face alight in pleasure as I filled her.

"Ace, if your not going to care on what I'm placing in the lobby. I might as well purchese a life size giraffe for decoration." She signed chuckling. Knowing very well she wouldn't but was threatening me to focus. Well focus on her hands then other appealing parts of her body I wanted to taste.

"Sorry Angel. It's hard to focus on you when all I want is your professional sexy legs parted upon my desk right now for me to come undone." I said truthfully seeing her cheeks fill with color as I watched her thighs clinch tightly. A sweet torture to get her to give in and suck on those aching breast of hers. Her lips parting to lick and then just as fast as the desire had started to fill her eyes, halted by the knock of the door.

"Come in." I breathed out sharply as Dillion walked in with a stack of papers to place before me. Feeling that having Persephone around another perk to the fact my brother was knocking then just walking in like he usually does. I'm sure to not bare witness a very naughty moment I wish I was having with her right now.

"The shipment has reached port. Everything has been accounted for and accepted. These are the logs with the transfer." Looking over each page and number to the bottom. Flipping to the end of the total they had reached, bringing a grin to my lips. Signing with date as I handed it back.

"Send a nice bottle of wine. He certainly knows how to earn my respect. Also get back to me with the Windom shipment soon. There building won't be finished in time if they keep procrastinating in setting a date to load and ship." My brother nodding his head knowing he hated negotiating over the phone but if it were left to me would not have the same type of patients.

"When my brother is done stripping you with his eyes. I have something I would like to discuss with you." Dillion said to Persephone that had those luminous turquoise eyes widen in on me not before a splash of color filled her cheeks. Lifting my eyes heavenwards that only seemed to amuse her as she nodded her head to him finally leaving the room.

"Stripping me with your eyes." A teasing smile on those lips that would give anything right now to be against mine. "Mister Harper that's very unprofessional." Almost imagining her voice would be scolding but with a seductive tone the way her eyes darken a few shades after the door had clicked shut.

"Angel are you trying to tempt the devil?" Not sure if she realized her eyes were scanning over me in a way that if she didn't stop I would forgo her demand and take what I had a feeling she wanted just as much. 

Suddenly standing as she came before my desk. Tightening my grip on the arm of the chair as I looked up to her. Seeing it all what she had been doing for the last few days she had been here. The little temptress teasing me as she bit her lip with a promise of naught ideas going threw her mind. Seeing it clear as the day outside and the language of her body that leaned towards me.

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