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"Persephone are you ready to go?" Octavia coming into my apartment bright and early to take us to class.

Meanwhile I had been sitting in fascination for the past half an hour at the gift that was brought to my door this morning before me on the coffee table. Still in my robe from a shower that I had just gotten out of when I heard the knock fall on the door. My ginger hair slowly dying and dripping into the fabric. Coming out to see the security guard holding the colourful package handing it to me. 

A card was attached to the pretty ribbon. Having opened it right away to see perfectly curled lettering. Wishing me a happy early birthday present and that I should us for class today. A harp again drawn at the bottom knowing exactly who it was from. But once opening the package, I was stunned.

"Is that a Royal Talens and Rembrandt oil set! That box is worth more then a thousand dollars!" Viewing the rows upon rows of oils filling the dark wooden chest. Gold accents lined the edges and leafing inside the lid for a antique design. Running my fingers along the open drawer that held even steel palette knives. The case holding any artist dream set. "Who sent it to you?" Octavia questioned coming to my side, hazel eyes flashing with excitement. 

"Vincent. He's been signing these cards with a harp lately. Always little things like a single rose or a cute card. But the first time he sent me really expensive doze perfect red. Then a architectural book that even had mosaic pieces in it. Now this!"  I signed to her handing over the card as she looked over it.

"Humm... How many of these cards do you have from him?" Standing to head into my room. Going to my nightstand drawer to pull them out. Coming back into the living room handing them to her.

"A few from over the last two years. But of late he has been sending more and signing them with a harp. Isn't that sweet. Here look." I explained as she started to open them one by one from the envelops.

"Why don't I look over these while you get dress. Don't need you attending class in only a robe. I believe the professor would think it's inappropriate attire for school." Looking down to myself with a groan, heading straight to my closet.

Raiding threw it, I picked out dark blue jeans and a high neck white peplum blouse that came to my elbows with a little flare of fabric. Tightening a black thick belt around my waist for contrast. Slipping on black ballet flats walking out into my bathroom to brush on light makeup. Finishing with red lipstick, grasping my phone and heading back out into the living room to see she had made rows of cards before her.

"These three are the simple ones." Octavia informed. "If you also noticed the harps are drawled differently too." Pointing them out between another card I got when Roberts and I made up the next day when he couldn't take me out again. Apologizing that he had to work. Picking up the first card I received with the harp signature.

"This one was with the doze roses, this the book, and this one is from today. The others were just by themselves or a simple rose." None of them having last long enough like the dozen roses that I hung upside down to keep. All of them still looking amazing after they dried and now sat in my office on a corner table.

"And that?" Pointing to the poster I had framed on the wall now beside my bedroom door. Sissela having written a little message; True love can be closer than you think, with her signature in the corner.

"Mr. Harper gave it to me when he got back from his trip from Russia. He says he's friends with her, so got her autograph for me. Now let's go before we are late." Already her questioning eyes narrowing upon it as I closed and locked the art chest to pick up by the handle and headed out. Pulling Octavia with me to the front door. Locking up, heading towards the elevator.

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