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Why the frick' did he have to send me those pictures of him so late at night! 

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Why the frick' did he have to send me those pictures of him so late at night! 

Still after almost a week they plagued my mind. Several times stopping myself from reopening the pictures to admire them. Octavia almost catching it. Quick enough to hide it but, didn't stop her noticing eye of wanting to know. Surprisingly though didn't question it.

And why did it have to be of him right out of the shower too! 

Seeing the towel low on his hips with water droplets still on his heavily muscular chest. Dripping between the expanse of his eight pack of abs that ran down to the v between his hips that had a thin trail of chocolate hair leading under the white towel. 

My imagination taking flight from there.

Sleep was not a thing after that, being as every time I closed my eyes his would appear. Warm chocolate ones looming above me as his body moved against mine in the most amazing way. Sweat forming along my skin to wake up drenched. Hot and bothered for the real thing. 

But sense that was not to ever happen, I decided to get up at the ungodly hour of four in the morning to work it off. Heading into one of the other rooms that had a small gym. A elliptical machine, some small weights, and a mat for floor exercises beside a mirror along the wall. To the side was a wall of windows. The city still asleep with a few cars driving for the few still about or going to work.

Having thrown on a work out bra and spandex, I got to work on the floor mat first. Feeling all my muscles stretch from tight tension that had built up in my sleep. A new type of sweat beading on my body as I moved to the elliptical to burn some of the frustration off. Going for a few miles till I was panting. Turning it off, breathing in deeply. None of it working enough to curve the ache.

Wiping off the sweat on my forehead, I headed to the bathroom. Shedding my sweaty clothes into the hamper. Stepping into the shower to turn the heat up high. Scrubbing my body and hair as the steam and fragrance filled the air, slowly calmed my wayward heart. Shaving everything and then rise off to prepare for my day. One I was not looking forwards to being Octavia was going to hound me yet again about Richard. Having told her what had happened at the restaurant a big mistake. Glad I didn't tell her what I had done after wards.

Drying off, I moisturize my skin with my favorite lotion of cherry blossoms. Leaving my hair down to dry. Heading into my closet to find an outfit for the day. Zipping on knee length fitted black dress with a high white collar that was long sleeved and white cuffed. Putting on some light makeup, grasping red lipstick to place in my purse. 

Walking out the bathroom to the side of the bed to grab my phone. Stepping into black heels before I left the house. Locking up and heading to the elevator. Stepping inside when they opened to head down. It dinging when I was at the lobby, watching them open to see a haggard looking Vincent coming before me.

"Persephone, baby. I was just about to come up and surprise you with breakfast." Holding up two paper bags of what looked like from a fast food establishment. Wrinkled up just like his business attire wondering what he had been doing for the past few days for him to look this. 

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