Part III.- Wait did he just touch her.

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Bakugou's p.o.v.:
-Great she's here.-

She got by my side and asked. ,, Can I walk with you?''

I didn't respond so I could see what she does.

She stopped, i continued walking and i could feel that she's staring at me.

I turned around and asked. ,, What the hell are you staring at?''

~she didn't respond~

,, Ugh whatever, walk with me.'' I said.
She gave my a smile.

She caught up with me and we started walking.

,, I forgot to give you back that pen...'' I said.

,, It's okey... you can keep it if you want.'' She said looking forward.

y/n's p.o.v.:

When we arrived to class 1-A i saw Midoriya talking to Uraraka-chan.

They looked at me, then at Bakugou and then at each other with confusion on their faces.

I didn't actually care. Me and Bakugou walked to them and sat down on our seats.

,, Y/n?'' Uraraka asked.
,, Yeah?''
,, You have a minute to go to restroom with me?''
,, Sure.''
I got up and went to restroom with Uraraka.

We got to restroom. And she went to WC.

,, So what was that with Bakugou?''

,,Huh? What do you mean?'' I asked while waiting on her.

,, Well you walked with him.''

,, Ouu. He just walked by my house and I asked him if i can walk with him. That's all. Is that what you wanted to hear?''
,, Uhm.''
,,Besides he's a total jerk.''

- But what if he's not that big of a jerk. He sounded nice talking about that pen-

,,From what Izuku told me... yeah he is a total jerk.

Uraraka-chan got out of WC and washed her hands.

,, Okey let's head back to class.''Uraraka said with little smile.

,, What is our first lesson?'' She asked while we were walking to our classroom.

,, Umm, Math i think.,,

We got to to class, sat down and lesson started.

In the middle of lesson

3rd person p.o.v.:

,, Y/n can you come here and count this?'' Aizawa-Seinsei said.

,, Sure.'' You said. You teleported in front of the board.

,, I said come, not teleport.''
,, Yeah. Right. Sorry.'' You said as you took a chalk (the thing you write with on board)

You counted it really fast and put the chalk down. Your fingers were still on the metal thing were you put that chalk.

You tried to teleport but you fingers burned.

You didn't scream but it hurt so bad.

Aizawa-Sensei looked at your burned fingers and asked you. ,, Are you allergic to metal things?''

,, Yeah. Well i feel tired around them, and when i try to teleport while the metal is on my skin. My skin will burn.''

,, I told you to walk.... No more teleporting around this classroom. No whole school.''

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