Part XV.- ,, Love...?''

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3rd person p.o.v.:

In that stress you even forgot he killed Midoriya.

You fell asleep and had beautiful dream with Midoriya.

Beautiful garden. Your and his kids just running around.

You woke up at 11:53, thinking about the dream you had with Midoriya.

You slightly opened your eyes and saw Midoriya's head.

You quickly turned around and you were about to throw up. You covered your mouth with hand and looked around.
You were in basement.

- Totally forgot about my poor Midoriya.... Okey then... my virginity will probably won't go to Midoriya, but to that crusty Bakubleh if I don't get out of here....- You thought.

Your let out a few tears out of your eyes thinking about Midoriya.

~Few hours after~

Bakugo's p.o.v.:

I came home from school.

( I don't really remember what day is in the story, but let's say it's Monday k?)

I put my bag down and took of my shoes.

,,Was it too much on her? No. She loves me not Mi- Deku.... Ugh... I have to stop calling him Midoriya, that name disgusts me.... Hmm what should I make for a dinner?'' I said to myself angrily and with growl as I said Deku's real name.

,, Maybe Uraraka, hehe.... No. She didn't do anything wrong... yet. If she does I'm gonna make Uraraka a dinner.'' I answered to my question. ,, Maybe I should get some groceries. Or maybe there is something in the fridge?''

I opened the fridge and saw... let's say, nothing eatable.


I took my phone out of my pocket but didn't saw any notifications. Then I remembered I have y/n's phone.

I checked it out and there was massage from - Ugh. Round face. What does she want. If I have to kill her. I will. Or maybe... but just maybe I can hold her as a prisoner and torture her for everything y/n does wrong so I don't hurt her pretty face. No why would I do that. Orrr I can hold her as prisoner and tell y/n if she doesn't do what I say, I'll hurt Round face and!... She has to watch, but that can wait. Maybe.- I smirked and opened the text from Round face.



Heyyy, y/n-chan!! How
long will you be away??
I can't stand it in school
without you :(.


Heyy!! Hehe... sorry I
don't know. I hope I
will be back soon. I will
ask my mom. Please wait a


Okie dokie :).

*I waits before answering
so it looks like I went
ask her*

She said she doesn't
know. I wish i knew so
we can see eachother again.

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