Part V.- ,, I kissed her.''

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y/n's p.o.v.:

-It's my turn.-

,, Beep. Beep.'' I looked at the thing and it says '30 kg' ,, Ughh! Only 30?! I'm too weak for this shit. Well it's definitely more then 28kg in middle school.'' I said as i hand that thing over to Aizawa-Sensei.

,, Okey, next discipline is the standing long jump.''

-This one will be easy. I'll just jump and teleport to the end. Yeah.-


3rd person p.o.v.:

You jumped and teleport to the end. Everyone is starting at you again. It feels pretty weird.

Next discipline is side-to-side stepping.

After this discipline you were so tired. You wanted to go back to class and then home.

y/n's p.o.v.:

- Fifth discipline is.... Soft Ball throwing. Ha! Something easy for me. Again! Yess.-


-Okey it's Uraraka's turn....-

,, Beep. Beep.'' The tracker showed ,,INFINITY?!'' Everyone said with surprise.

Uraraka-chan came to me and I said. ,, I have to say WOW that was super cool!''

,,Thanks y/n-chan.'' She smiled at me.
,, But you can also teleport the ball to infinity.'' She continued. ,, Hell yeah! I will do that.''


-It's my turn.-

I threw the ball and teleported it.

,, Beep. Beep.'' The tracker showed        
,, INFINITY AGAIN?!'' Everyone said with surprise again.


,, Okey. Here is how you ended up.'' Aizawa-Sensei said while showing how we ended up.

1. Momo Yaoyorozu
2. Shoto Todoroki
3. Y/n L/n
4. Katsuki Bakugou
5. Tenya Iida
6. Fumikage Tokoyami
7. Mezo Shoji
8. Mashirao Ojiro
9. Eijiro Kirishima
10. Mina Ashido

,, Y/n you're on the third place.''
Uraraka-chan said. ,,Congratulations!'' Midoriya joined. ,, I ended up 21st.''
,, That's the last place Midoriya.'' ,, Yeah I know.... Maybe next time.''

3rd person p.o.v.:

The whole day you were super tired. Bakugou kept looking at you and Midoriya. Was he jealous because you were talking to Midoriya instead of him?

You didn't notice that he was looking at you, but Midoriya did.

Midoriya's p.o.v.:

~Talking to Uraraka, waiting for y/n

,, Where is y/n? She is suppose to be here.'' I said.

,, I don't know. I'll text her.'' Uraraka starts texting. ,,Okeey, I sent her a message.''

3rd person p.o.v.:

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