Part XIII.- ,,I have a suprise for you, Teddy Bear.''

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3rd person p.o.v.:

After a 2 days you were out, you woke up laying on the floor. On the exact same spot you blacked out.

He left you there laying for 2 days, not even carrying about you.

The floor was covered with bit of a blood.

You touched your head and looked at your fingers. You saw a tiny bit of a blood on them.

You didn't even had a energy to get up.

You continued laying there for next thirteen minutes.

After those thirteen minutes, you heard the door open.

You slowly looked up and there he was Bakubruh.

You made a disgusted face and put your head back on the floor.

,,Good, you are finally awake! Thought I killed you, but thank god I didn't! I wouldn't forgive myself, you know.'' Bakugou started mumbling again about how bad it would be if he killed you.

You honestly didn't gave a fuck.

You were so hungry.

Your stomach rumbled and Bakugou noticed.

,, Hungry I see. Well, hear. Tch! You're lucky that I made a dinner. Ou and after you eat. I have a surprise for you, Teddy Bear.''

- I can't wait until she sees the surprise I made just for her.- Bakugou thought after he said.

Bakugou went down to the basement.

He took you into his arms, and took you to a kitchen.

He put you on the chair and placed the plate with food in front of you.

You weren't really excited about the surprise.

It could be something good ( really low chance) or something bad ( really high chance).

You tried to eat, but you couldn't get anything down your throat.

Bakugou saw that you at least tried to eat it.

You didn't felt like eating. All you were thinking about was.

- How can Bakubleh change his emotions so fast. I don't get it. He throws me down the stairs, I wake up after I don't even know how long and he's acting super nice. Plus he has a present for me?!! But the present is on hundred percent a bad thing.-

,, You're going to have to eat. Or you'll get sick and we really, really don't need that.''

He stood up, came closer to you and started feeding you.

You ate it.

y/n's p.o.v.:

,, Good girl. Now the surprise'' He said to me as he went for something to the living room.

He came back with big box in his hand.

He put it on the table and said. ,, Open it. I can't wait to see your face!''

I sniffed to the box and the scent of the it was terrible.


3rd person p.o.v.:

You wanted to throw up the food Bakugou fed up to you a minute ago.

Your shaky right hand started reaching for the top.

You uncovered the box and look inside.

Your eyes widened.

You turned around and throw up.

,, Oh, darling. You made a mess. Now I have to clean it. And why did you throw up? It's not that disgusting.''


After the last sentence he said, he reached to the box and took out Midoriya's head.

From Midoriya's neck was still dripping blood. His eyes.... well. They weren't there. They were ripped out.

You started crying so hard.

,, Teddy Bear, don't cry. I only did what you've asked for. You've tried to run....''
Bakugou put back Midoriya's head and hugged you tightly.

You couldn't stopped crying.

Your head hurt from the fall and now this.

,, Y-you are a ~ sob,!!!''

,, Don't say that! You are the one that tried to run, so don't blame this shit on me, okey?''

Bakugou picked you up and chained you to the bed. He went back to the kitchen clean up things.

After ten minutes he came back asking.

,, By the way.... How was the meal I cooked for you?''

You didn't wanted to get into any more trouble, so you answered. ,, It was ~sob~ good....''

,, I knew you would like it! Ou, yeah. And did you wonder where is the rest of his body, daaarling?''

,, No, I haven-'' Then it hit you.

You started crying again.

,, That's right! That's right my dear! You ate him for the dinner, but he tasted good you say. Maybe I should kill more people for you to eat. Uraraka? I bet she would taste delicious.''

You wanted to kill that psycho man and left this freak house.

You just wanted to left. Alive or not. You wanted to get out of there.


Did I drink a whole Monster can at 11:00 pm so I can stay up late and write this for ya?

The answer is: Yes, I did.

Did I got any sleep or did my homework?

The answer is: No.... lol.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this part. I tried to make it more yandere-ish or something. If I made any mistakes then please correct me. Any requests or questions just ask me. Have a good day/ night. Lemme know what you think. <33

Ou yeah and I heard that the cursedd0ll will try her best to do another part till tomorrow!

Love of your life, Tessa-Chan!


( Guys ik i'm not love of your life, but it just feels so right to write it to the end)

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