Part XI.- Disgusting.

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3rd person p.o.v.:

The pain slowly disappeared and you've fallen asleep.

You woke up next day.

In front of you is plate with food.

A sandwich and water.

You were so hungry, but you resisted.

You couldn't eat it because of the the psycho person that made it for you.

-But I'm hungry. No. I'm not going to eat that. Maybe just a little bit.... No! Baku.... Bleeeh. Made it.- You thought with disgust on your face.

Bakugou's p.o.v.:

I came back from y/n's house.

,, Okey I got her phone. Some clothes. And....''


- Her phone.... Who even it is??-

,,Ugh Midoriya.'' I continued thinking out loud.

,, Hey y/n!! Where are you? You didn't showed up to class, so I'm just wondering.... Hehe. Text me when you can. Okey?! With red heart?!''

I texted back to Deku.


Hey y/n!! Where are you?
You didn't showed up to
class for past few, so I'm
just wondering.... Hehe.
Text me when you can.


Yeah, sorry about that.
Me and my mom went to
check on my  dad. He is in
hospital- in another
country. I don't know when
will I come back.  Maybe in
year, maybe never, . Again, sorry
I didn't told you.  And sorry if
I don't come back. Love you.<3


Ou. I guess I understand.
If we don't see each other,
I want you to know that I
Love you SO SO SOO much.

,, Tch. Pathetic loser.... Do you think she's awake? I'll just go check.'' I continued talking to myself.

I came to the basement and saw y/n awake and trying to break from the chains.

,, What? Too weak? Maybe if you eat you'll be stronger.''

I came closer to her, took the sandwich from the plate and putting it on y/n's lips.

,, Eat.'' I said.

y/n's p.o.v.:

,, Eat.'' Bakugou said.

I pulled away from the sandwich even though I was hungry.

So hungry, that I could eat it in 3 seconds.

,, Resisting I see.'' Bakugou said with bit of a anger in his voice.

After that he grabbed by my hair and pulled me closer to the sandwich.

,, Open your fucking mouth and eat it.''

I resisted again. That sandwich... no, that person that was holding it and made me sick.


,, Still resisting. Okey.'' He let go of my hair.

- Finally he let go of my hair.-

He left my chin up with his hand and covered my nose, so I couldn't breath, with another hand.

,, You need to breath. So if I cover your nose, then you need to breath through your mouth and for that you need to open your mouth, so I can feed you. Clearly you can't do it yourself.''

I couldn't breath and I didn't wanted to eat that damn sandwich.

-I can't anymore...- I opened my mouth to take a breath.

After that one breath I forgot to close my mouth.

Bakugou shoved the sandwich down my throat.

I almost chocked on it, but I chewed and swallowed it.

,, Hm.... It wasn't that bad, was it?''

I nodded my head 'no', so I don't make any more trouble.

Bakugou gived me forehead kiss.

He gave me the collar with chain and unchained me.

I stood up.

Or at least I tried to stood up.

My legs weren't really listening to me.

Totally betraying me.

,, Still weak? You'll have to learn to walk. I'm not going to be here everytime you need to go to WC or something.''

He picked me up as he said those words.

,, First... it's your fault I'm so weak. And second... I think I'm gonna throw up the sandwich. I talked back to him.

Bakugou took me bathroom and I threw up.


,, I didn't expect that.'' He said as he took something out.

,, W-What is that?'' I asked.

,, Toothpaste and toothbrush. Here,'' he handed over the toothbrush. ,, brush your teeth.'' He continued.

,, Uhm.'' I respond as I took them.

I brushed my teeth.

It was really uncomfortable because Bakugou was looking at me the whole time.

- What does he even want? Does he want my size of teeth or what some shit??- I thought.

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