Part VII.- *Who put the note there?!*

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3rd person p.o.v.:

Bakugou grabbed his things and went home fast. He didn't even stopped.

~At Bakugou's house

,, Hey mom.'' Bakugou said. Mitsuki was shocked that he called her mom instead of old hag.

,, What is it you want?'' Mitsuki asked him. ,, How do you know I want something?!'' He started yelling at you.

'' It's so obvious when you called me mom.''

,, I want to go live alone.'' Bakugou said.

,, What?! Like for real?!'' Mitsuki asked with excitement in her voice.

,, Yeah?''

,, But why?''

,, I just want to experience, uhh.... Living... alone?'' -LIAR-

,, I've been waiting for this moment! Heh.... It's not like I'm happy that you're leaving or anything.... We'll anyways we have this house, if you can call it like that. Here are keys. Pack your things and we'll take you there! Plus it's not even that far from station.''

~ At Bakugou's new house

Bakugou entered his 'new' house and went look around.

(This is how it looks like. You don't have to tell me that I don't know how to draw.)

Bakugou put his thing down and started planning

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Bakugou put his thing down and started planning. The topic of the plan was 'Kidnapping y/n'.

It was pretty easy to plan, but he wasn't sure if y/n will even go to school tomorrow.

- I'll wait. I'm sure she won't go to school or out. Maybe next week would be perfect to lock you up for myself. I'll have you and you will learn to love me, like i love you.-

Next day

y/n's p.o.v.:

~At school~

- Okey, one more minute and lesson will start. It will be okey till he's not here. He's usually here at this time.-

,, y/nnnn? Did you took your medicines today?'' Midoriya asked me. ,, What?.... Yeah, of course I did....'' - Ops I forgot.-

,, You forgot didn't you?''

,, Hehe.... Yeah....''

,, Okey, come on.'' Midoriya said and i looked at him with 'huh?' face. ,, Your medicines, take them in front of me.''

,, O-okey.'' I stuttered and took my medicines out. The bell rang and I took my medicines.

-Bakugou is not here. Thank god.- I thought.

,, Are you scared?'' Midoriya asked me.

,, .... Yeah....''

,, I'm here to protect you. Remember that, okey?'' I nodded my head and the lesson started.

3rd person p.o.v.:

After school you went home with Midoriya and Uraraka.

You had the feeling someone have been following you, but you didn't turned around.

You were so scared that you couldn't even focus on what Midoriya and Uraraka were telling you.

You arrived home and went to your room to do homework.

From the silence you assume, that you are home alone.

But you couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed.

On your table was note.

Don't forget to do dishes.

You read the note and said.

,, Ugh I don't have time for your stupid dishes.''

You threw the paper to the trash and went do dishes.

You came to the sink and.... ,, Where are dishes?''

You looked around and there was another note.

It's pretty easy to do dishes love, but
I'll do anything for you.
- your love of the life

- What the actual fuck?!-

You teleported so quickly to your room and locked yourself up and stayed there till morning.

While you were locked in your room, you didn't even blink.

You didn't even sleep.

You were so scared.

*Who put the note there?!*

That was the question you had on your mind the whole time you were there.

You had Bakugou on your mind. But that wouldn't make any sense.

Next day

~ In class

- Why would he do that? Is he jealous or something? No. Bakugou is not nice. He's just chihuahua with anger issues. But who else could it be? And Love of your life?-


Here's next part. Hope you like it. The fricking school is starting so I will post every second day. If u have any questions or requests, feel free to ask me. Have a good day/night. Peace out ✌️.


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