Part XIX.- ,,Why is this happening to me?!,,

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3rd person p.o.v.:

By that 'Tch' you already knew it was a no.
,, She doesn't deserve any food. Maybe if she didn't stick her nose into other people's business, then she would be peacefully eating with her parents right now!,, Bakugo says with his jaw clenched. (idk how to spell that xD)

y/n's p.o.v.:

- Maybe. Just maybe, it's my fault. If she didn't come looking for me, she would be safe.- I thought as tears start to form in my eyes.

3rd person p.o.v.:

Bakugo slowly walks upstairs without noticing that you are crying.

,, Y/n-chan?,, Uraraka turns to you.
,, Don't cry... please. I know what you are thinking..., but it's not your fault. It's Bakugo's fault that he locked you up in this place.,, You started crying. ,, But what if it is?!,, You yell at her with sobs,, You wouldn't be here!,, ,, At least i know you are okey!,,

You start breathing heavily. It's like you can't breathe. Like someone took your breath away from you. It felt like you were going to pass out.

,, Y/n-chan?!,, Uraraka yells.

You are laying on the floor trying to breathe. ,, Count to ten with me, okey?!
One, inhale..., pause... and exhale.
Two, inhale..., pause... and exhale.
Three, inhale..., pause... and exhale. You're doing very good y/n!....,,

By the time Uraraka got to 10 you could breathe almost normally. almost.

,,Why is this happening to me?! WHY ME?! COULDN'T HE PICK SOME ELSE?!,, Angry tears running down your cheeks. You wanted to throw things.
,, Please, calm down.  I don't want you to die like you almost did few seconds ago. We have to get out, but yelling won't get us out of here! You have to try and teleport us out of here.,,

,, There's no point in doing that. See those things . It's metal. It's making me tired and if i try to teleport it would hurt me. I also have this collar made from metal. Not gonna lie, it's kinda heavy.,,

,, We. Are. Fucking. Screwed.,, Uraraka said. ,, Yes, we are, ma'am.,, You added with sob at the end. ,, What if we off him?,, You ask Uraraka while looking at the ground. ,, Like kill him...?,,

There is silence for few seconds, but then you answer by nodding your head 'yes'.
,, I don't know, Y/n-chan, i thi-,,
,, I think it's the best solution for now. Do you have any other better solution, Uraraka?''
,, To be honest... no.,, ,, Great. We will kill him then. I don't know how. I don't know when. But there's one thing i know.,,
,, Which is?,, Uraraka asked confused.
,, Well, Urarak-chan, he loves me. A little too much. I'll play his game.,, You wanted to laugh so bad. ,, I will play his game too.,,

WELL Ugh I don't know what to say 'bout this chapter. I'll try my best to do another chapter soon. Let me know if i wrote something wrong. Anyways have a good day/ night.

- Tessa-chan❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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