Part IX.- ,, I said. Eat!''

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3rd person p.o.v.:

Everything went black.

What happened?

You woke up feeling super tired.

You had blindfold.

Your hands were tied up.

You moved your hands forward and heard sound of chains.

That's why you were feeling tired. The chains are made out of metal.

- Wait. Are those foot steps that I hear right now...?- You thought as someone walked up to you closely.

They took your blindfold off and....

,, Bakugou...?''

You barely kept your eyes opened.

- That damn metal. Fuck you Teleportation quirk....-

,, See you are finally awake. Took you like three days. Even though I may know some reasons, why you were sleeping for that long.''

You didn't know what to do.

You are so helpless at this point.

You can't do anything with metal on your skin.

,, First reason is, that I hit you too hard. Or the metal is making you so weak. So weak. Hehe.... They are making you so weak, just for me! Haha....''

,, W-why...?'' That's all you could got out of from yourself.

,, Why?! Haha. So you can be mine forever and ever. You know when I first met you I thought something like ' She's not even that special.' But. But! I was wrong. The feelings i feel for you. When I started  feeling 'em I thought that maybe I'm going nuts. But then I heard Round face and Deku talking about how he likes. Oh god I couldn't stand that. Let's say..., I got a little jealous. Plus he asked you on a date and you said yes. GOD NO! HELL NO! ....''

He took a break from talking and continued again.

,, You will love me, like I love you. You will understand why I did it. You WILL love me back!''

He continued rambling about how you will love him and if not he will kill someone.

When he said 'I would kill someone you love, so you can only love me.' he added.

'Midoriya-kun is a good candidate. What do you think?'

You slightly nodded you head 'no'.

After this you weren't even listening to him.

You couldn't imagine what will happen to Midoriya.

You couldn't stop asking thinking about what will happen to Midoriya if you just said to Bakugou all the things that are running through your head.

Bakugou just stopped talking and look at The clock that are above you.

,, Time for dinner. Beautiful, lovely dinner with lovely person....'' His voice and foot steps fades away.

After 20 minutes he came back and.

,, I'm going to take you upstairs, but first I have to... get you... out of this chains.''

He got you out of the chains, but put something different on you.

-It looks like handcuffs.- You thought.

,, It's made out of metal, so don't even try to teleport.'' Bakugou said as he picked you up.

He took you out of the basement to kitchen and put you down to the chair.

He place the food in front of you.

- But what if the food is poisoned.... Naaah.-

You looked out of the window.

You couldn't see anything.

Just dark. Nothing else.

You looked at the food.

You were just looking at it. You couldn't eat it.

You just couldn't.

Bakugou started eating.

- It's really silent in here, but what am I suppose to say. 'Hey Bakubro! Thank you for kidnapping me. Yeah thank you so, SO much.' He's so disgusting. What does he even want from me? Why now? And why all of a sudden? - you thought.

,, Eat.''

You didn't answer because, you were lost in your thoughts.

,, I said. Eat!''

You still didn't answer.


Hii! I'm so sorry that this part is short. I got covid vaccine yesterday and I'm SUPER tired. Hope you understand.
If you have any requests or questions just ask me. Have a good night/day. Love u!

Tessa <3

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