0.1-Back story

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Hello! Welcome to my first book! I hope you like it. Also besties, give me feedback in the comments please!!! 

Sorry if there are typos or anything. ENJOYYYY!!!!


Before my parents passed my life was fine and ordinary. 

I was eight years old when my parents went on a special mission on orders from the 3rd hokage. The day began in a happy mood.


Today was my eight birthday. I scrambled out of my bed from a sleepless night of excitement. Quickly I put on my favourite outfit on and ran down the stairs barely staying upright. As I was going to the kitchen I overheard my parents talking while making breakfast.

"It's her birthday we cant go on a mission and leave her by herself!" My mom said. "I know I know its not ideal, but they are orders directly from the 3rd. Jiriya is in town he can come by and watch her, after all he does owe me." My dad uttered. 

Mission? On my birthday? There's no way.

I burst in the kitchen and my parents straightened up and looked at me. Then they broke out into smiles. "Happy Birthday my big girl!" My dad said as he pulled me into a hug. I attempted to squeeze out of it but failed. My mom the started signing 'happy birthday' and my dad let me go and joined. 

Are they really pretending they don't have a mission.

Before they could finish singing I blurted out. "Is it true that you have a mission on my birthday?" I held my breath as they both stopped signing and their smiles dropped. They exchanged eye contact and then both faced me again. 

"Honey we are so sorry." My mom said with a sad look on her face. "The hokage ordered us directly and you know that we can't deny the offer." My dad said. I pouted and looked away from them. "I know it sucks but we'll have uncle Jiriya come over and he can hang out with you."

The thought of uncle Jiriya coming over lightened my mood a-bit. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. 

I sighed. "Fine but promise to celebrate my birthday when you come back, and mom can we make my favourite cake too?" Both my parents smiled and nodded their heads. "Okay deal" my mom said. "We need to head out as soon as possible." My dad said as him and my mom started scrambling around for their mission supplies. They both headed upstairs as I sat down and ate a sad piece of toast. Within seconds they were back down stairs with their gear on and joinin jackets on. 

I turned and was wrapped in a family hug. "Well be home safe and sound soon." my mom said. "Make sure uncle Jiriya behaves!" my dad said which made me and my mom laugh. They released me from the hug and began walking to the door. "Bye mom, bye dad, love you." I beamed as they opened the door. "Bye y/n, uncle Jiriya will be here any second. We love you." My dad said. "By hunny I love you." my mom spoke as they walked away. 

I watched them walk away intill I didn't see them anymore and closed the door. I dragged myself on to the couch and melted onto it. "Maybe uncle Jiriya wont even show up." I murmured to myself aloud.

"What! Me not showing up for my favourite birthday girl?!" 

I spun my head around to the direction the voice was coming from. There stood Jiriya eating my sad piece of toast. I smiled and ran over and hugged him. 

Uncle Jiriya wasn't my blood related uncle he was just a really good friend of my dads that I called uncle. Him and my dad go wayyy back to the academy. They trained together and become best buddies. Ever since then Uncle Jiriya has come around when he's in town.

"How are ya kiddo?" he said peering down at me with a big smile plastered on his face. "Pretty sucky because mom and dad are on a stupid mission." I sneered. He pat my head "don't worry well have plenty of fun without them kiddo I'll even train you!" He said. "Really?" I shouted with excitement. "Yep! Anything for the birthday girl." He said.

And so for the next few hours he trained me and we played in our backyard. 

A few hours later we were in the the house eating takeout on the couch while uncle Jiriya told me about his travels when a knock came from the door. Thinking it was my parents I ran to the door to open it. A masked man was standing on the other side. I stood shocked in till Jiriya showed up behind me. "Anbu... at this hour. What happened." Jiriya said in a frantic voice.

Wait Anbu... I remember dad talking about them being special ninjas with hidden identity's. Why is one here?

My heart started pounding in my chest. "What-t happened-d." I said not realizing my voice had gotten shaky. The Anbu member started talking in a lifeless tone, "I'm sorry to inform you but special jonin Sarah y/l and Charlie y/l where killed I'm battle." 

Everything around me stopped. What. Mom and dad. Killed?

He continued to talk but I didn't listen. My ears started ringing and my head started spinning. Everything was getting blurry.Then I fainted.

End of flashback.

The next few days after that were a blur. But I ended up being adopted by uncle Jiriya because I had no other family around. And I travelled with him in till he enrolled me at the academy at age ten. And my life took a turn for the better when I made friends and met my best friend for the first time.

THANKS FOR READING. Sorry this chapter is kinda ass I just need to build character and get to the time line I want which might happen next chapter too :0

Anyway I hope you liked it and give me suggestions in the comments :)))!


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