12 Happier Then Ever.

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Y/n's POV: 

We finally arrived in the land of iron. 

There were Lee, Kiba, Akumaru, and Sai passed out on the ground. "That's what you forgot?" Naruto asked. I laughed and looked over at Sakura. "Yea Sakura?" I giggled at her. She gave me a bad look. I smiled at her also trying not to laugh more. "I don't get it how could all these guys lay  around and sleep while you were in such a bind Sakura?" Naruto asked. She laughed slightly at him also trying to to tell him the truth. "Sakura don't forget that these guys were gonna help you? Apologize to them when you wake them up alright?" Kakashi sensei said to her. "I will." She sighed. "Good luck." I said walking over to a tree and resting my back against it. "I'm taking a short nap." I said closing my eye shut. "Wake them?" Naruto said walking over to them groaning with every step. "Naruto its my fault they are asleep, so be gentle when you wake them. Okay?" Sakura said to him also assuming that he was going to. He collapsed down beside me and placing  his head on my lap. "I'm still sick.." he groaned to Sakura. "YOUR GOING TO SLEEP TOO?" Sakura yelled at him. "Isn't he like this because of your poison Sakura?" Karin said to her. She grumbled and Kakashi laughed. I opened my eyes to look down at Naruto already asleep on my lap. I smiled and put my hands on his hair to start playing with it. 

It seems that he finally let things go.

I fell asleep with my hands still in his hair. 

A few minutes later I woke up to Kiba "JUST WAKE UP! NARUTOOOOO" He screamed. "Kiba shut up." I said rubbing my eyes. I looked at Naruto still sleeping in my lap and laughed. I shook him up. "Naruto wake up." I said. He started mumbling then slowly opened his eyes staring up at me. "Ramen?" He said. I laughed at him. "Ill get you some when we get back to the village. On me okay?" I said to him. He shot up from my lap. "Sounds good lets get going!" He said as he started to walk ahead. Kiba rolled his eyes and Lee laughed. "The power of youth has made Naruto move forward!" He said with a big grin. "More like the power of Ramen." Sakura said. Kakashi and everyone laughed.

We all started going back to the village. We took a quick break. I looked around "Where is Kakashi?" I said. I looked over at Naruto and we went over to find him. He was crouched on the ground putting letters on his ninja hounds. "What's up?" Naruto asked referring to the hounds. "We need to share critical information with all the villages. Fighting on the same front." Kakashi said to us. 

A big war huh? And it's bringing the nations together? That's a first...

We eventually got to the gates and saw Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru standing there waiting. "We are home." Sakura said to them. "I heard from my father about Sasuke." Shikamaru said to us or directly to Naruto. "Yea... we talked, and not only that but I fought with him too, and so did y/n" He told them. They all gasped. "You two fought against him? Really? Against Sasuke?" Shikamaru said to us. "Naruto and I will give you all the details." I said. "But first can you get everyone together for me? I have something I want to say to all of them." Naruto said to Shikamaru. "Sure okay." He said. 

What is it?

"NARUTO your finally back. We were waiting for you." Konhamaru said as him and his friends ran up to us. "We need your interview and then our news paper will finally be done on the village hero." Konhamaru said . "Yea!" His friends said. "Oh right I almost forgot" he said patting their heads. "I have to make a report now so we will do it later." he told them. "WHAT you always say that. It's alway later and it never happens." The kids said. I frowned at them. He started walking ahead. "You always make us wait our soo mean Naruto!" The girl said. 

Oh god i hate kids.

They kept pestering him and I ignored it and caught up to him. He stopped at the road to go down to the village and smiled. I nagged him with my shoulder and put my fist out. "Protect it together." I said. He smiled and put our his fist and hit mine. "Yea we will." I grinned at him.

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