7 Saskue?

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Hello. I'm sorry it's been awhile. I have math class rn and I'm DYING. 

Pre Calc is hella hard. 

This chapter is pretty good. It's based on episode 197.



Over the past couple days Naruto has taken good care of me. Sakura has come over a bit helping my recovery a lot. Things in the village have been pretty rough though. The rebuild is under way but taking its time. Without the Hokage being "alive" things have been all over the place. 

"So y/n your recovery is going well" Kakashi asked. Me Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi we're out for a walk. "Oh yea I'm all good now. Thanks to Sakura mostly." I said smiling over at her. "Oh it's all good y/n! I was happy to help!" She said. "Oh and Naruto helped lots too." I said blushing slightly. "Oh yea. You and Naruto have been spending a lot of time together. Huh?" Kakashi said smirking at both of us. Obviously implying something. "What?! I have no clue what you're talking about Kakashi! You're crazy." I said trying to hide the lie in my voice. 

Since the rebuild has been really crazy me and Naruto decided not to tell anybody about our relationship. We both decided it was for the better. So we were trying your best to hide the fact that we were dating. It was really hard though.

"HEY there you guys are!" Kiba said riding on a Akumaru. "I've been looking all over for you. I'm gonna tell you guys something but you're gonna have to stay calm." He said looking mostly at Naruto. "Yea yea. Spit it out?" Naruto said. "Lady Tsunade Has been relieved of her duty as the fifth hokage. Some guy named Danzo is the next hokage but it's not official yet. I don't know much but apparently he's some behind the scene guy." He said looking worried. "What!?" Naruto said with his eyes widened. "Did you say Danzo?" Me and Sakura said in unison. "Y/n? You've never mentioned him to you. Do you know him?"Kakashi asked. "Yeah when my parents died he approached me wanting to train me into one of his top ninjas something like that. I denied it though. He gave me the creeps to be honest. Super sketchy guy." I said. "This can't be good." Kakashi said looking back at Kiba.

"And that isn't the only thing. He declared Sasuke as a rogue ninja and approved his elimination." Kiba said. Sakura and Naruto both went silent. My heart dropped. I didn't know Saskue that well but it's not like I hated him. He was Naruto's best friend, other than me. We got along OK. But he didn't deserve to die that's for sure. I've heard the whole story from Naruto and Sakura. I know how much Naruto wants to say Sasuke from his so-called darkness.

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Naruto said sounding very frustrated. "It means that I can't be held off until Lady Tsunade is recovered. Sasuke is a rogue ninja it's a standard protocol. It can't really be stopped Naruto. It's only because of Lady Tsunade that he's been allowed to live this long." Kakashi said. I looked over at him my eyes widened. Naruto's not gonna like the sound of that. "Well then I'm gonna go talk to Danzo" Sakura said. "Barging into his office won't save anything" Kakashi said holding her shoulder. "But but how dare they do this. What about Sasuke you can't expect me to be quiet can you!" Sakura said determination written on her face.

"I'm going with you too." Naruto said. "Calm down both of you. At a time like this staying calm is crucial. You can go off doing whatever you think is right." Kakashi said. "Well Kakashi  do you expect them to sit back and let their teammate be killed? I would do the same." I said looking at him. "How are we supposed to stay calm. I won't let them go after Sasuke." Naruto said swinging his arm around. Kakashi grabbed it. "I said calm down. Danzo has already anticipated your exact reaction. You're playing into his hand. If you go see him what are you gonna do?" Kakashi asked. "We aren't gonna do anything violent we're just gonna ask him why he did it?" Naruto stated. "Do you really believe that he's going to agree with anything you have to say?" Kakashi said shaking his head. "I don't care if he's gonna throw me in prison I'm going." Naruto said. "Me too!" Sakura said. "Well I guess I'll tagalong" I said. 

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