3 sage mode

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Over the past few days me and Naruto have been spending a lot of time together. For support. It's been hard. I'm happy that we can be there for each other though. Making food together. Talking. Reminiscing. 

"Hey Naruto someone is at the door go get it!" I yelled from the couch. I heard a scrambling and footsteps moving towards the door. A creek from the door opening. "Shikamaru?" Naruto asked. I heard the name a quickly got up and ran to the door. There he was standing at the door. "Y/n? Your here too? Good thing I caught you both. You guys have been summoned to the hokages office. She wants to speak with both of you about something important." He said looking back and forth between us. "What does she want?" Naruto asked with a rude tone in his voice.

Oh yea he's still mad at her.

"Go and find out. I was just here to get the message across. Anyway I'll be off good luck guys." He said turning around with a sympathetic look on his face. "Wait Shikamaru!" I said running up to him. "Wha-?" He stuttered as a I hugged him. "Thanks for the other day. Sorry I was kinda rude." I said. "Ahh its fine. You dont need to hug me. What a drag." He murmured. I pulled back from the hug smiling. "See you!" I waved as he walked away. "What was that all about?" Naruto asked. "Oh nothing I was just a bitch to him the other day." I said to him as I walked past him back into his house. "Oh." He murmured. 

What's he murmuring about?

"Let's hurry up. I wanna see what Lady Hokage has to say to us." I said as I put my shoes on. Naruto did the same. We soon arrived at Lady Tsunade office. I knocked on the door. Naruto was standing behind me. "Lady Tsunade you wanted to see us?" I asked on the other side of the door. "Yes y/n, Naruto come in." She said muffled by the door. We walked in revealing Lady Tsunade and Fukasaku sitting beside her. "Fukasaku? Your here too?" I asked being surprised. "Yes he is here. He was the one that mostly wanted to talk to you guys in the first place." She said with a soft smile on her face. 

"What's up grandpa toad?" Naruto asked behind me. "Yea what's up?" I added on. "Well y/n... I want you to come with me to mountain Myōboku to teach Naruto sage mode." Fukasaku said. "WAIT REALLY? We are going to mountain Myōboku?!" I said in a happy tone. 

I haven't been to mountain Myōboku in soo long. Last time was when I learned Sage mode my self. With Jiriya. Naruto is gonna learn it?

"Yes we are. You haven't been there in awhile have you?" He asked with a smile. "Hello? I'm still here?" Naruto said waving his hand around. "What's sage mode?" He asked. I smiled. "No time for questions. You are going now. You two go pack essentials. Then meet Fukasaku at the gates." Tsunade said. "Okay! Naruto lets go!" I said grabbing his hand a pulling him out of her office. "Y/N. tell me what's going on!" Naruto said as I continued to pull him. "It's fineee Naruto. We're going to train somewhere special." I said looking back at him. "We are gonna train?! REALLY?" He asked. "Yea! Your gonna love it Naruto." I said.

Naruto and I packed up our backpacks and set off to the gate. I saw Fukasaku waiting and I ran up to him leaving Naruto behind me. "Fukasaku, hop on my shoulder!" I crouched down. He did as I asked. "Okay." I said turning around. "Naruto hurry up!" I shouted at him. He ran up to us "Why is grandpa toad on you shoulder? Aren't we walking to Mountain Myōboku?" He said looking confused at us. "Nope we are reverse summoning" I said as I waved to Lady Tsunade. "Okay now hold my hand after I do the signs okay? Naruto." I looked at him. He was blushing slightly.


"Um okay" he said. I did the signs and grabbed Narutos hand. We left in a poof of smoke and appeared At Mountain Myōboku standing on a huge leaf of some sort. "Oh My God it hasn't changed on bit since the last time I was here." I said looking around. "Woah." Naruto said in amazement. I looked over a grinned at his surprised  expression. "Come on Y/n lets go I want to go introduce Naruto to the Great Toad. You can say hi to friends along the way." Fukasaku smiled.

Do you still love me? (Naruto x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon