5 More Then Ramen

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Ow my head. Wait.

I opened my eyes and saw Sakura peaking down at me. "Oh good your awake. Y/n you passed out from over use of chakra and the cut you got from the nine tails tail." She said as she finished up healing me. "Oh. Wait where's Hinata?" I said sitting up frantically looking around. Then I realized everyone was around me. "Hinata thank god your okay. Neji, Tenten, Lee, and Sai you guys are here too." I said looking around. "What happened when I was out?" I asked looking at Sakura. "Well everyone got healed by a special justsu which we still don't know about yet. Naruto is heading back I think and yea!" She said smiling at me. "Good well since I'm all healed up I'm gonna go check on someone." I said walking away. "Oh and thanks for healing me Sakura." I said waving behind me. 

Now to check on the toads.

I headed down to Fukasaku who sat beside his mom. "Hey Fukasaku!" I said waving. "Oh Y/n thank goodness your all right." He said smiling at me. "Did you hear Naruto defeated pain?" I said to him. "Oh yes I heard." He said looking almost relaxed. "That Naruto. I think he's way stronger then me now. I hope he doesn't forget about us when he becomes Hokage or famous." I said. "So I'm stronger then you now" a voice said behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Naruto  standing behind me. "Oh yea whatever." I said walking over and pulling him into a quick hug. "Hey Naruto boy. I think me and Ma are gonna head out. See you around." He said and then they left in a pouf of smoke. 

"Well did everyone greet you when you came back?" I asked. "Oh yea. Y/n, Sakura-chan hugged me after the fight. I think she's in love with me!" He said smiling big at me. 


Narutos POV: 

"Well did everyone greet you when you came back?" Y/n asked me. "Oh yea. Y/n, Sakura-chan hugged me after the fight. I think she's in love with me!" I said smiling big. Then I saw her smile drop a bit. "Oh-h. Good for you Naruto." She said looking down at her feet. "Y/n are you okay? You seem kinda down?" I asked. "Oh no its fine. I think I'm actually gonna go see how Lady Tsunade is doing. See you later." She said turning around quickly and running away before I could say anything. 

Did I say something wrong? Damn. I'll go ask Shikamaru what he thinks I did.

I quickly went to find him. 

"Hey Shikamaru. Can I ask you something?" I said sitting down beside him. "Oh? The village hero wants to ask poor old Shikamaru for help?" He said mocking me. "Oh shut up." I said hitting him in the arm. "Ow. Okay okay. Shoot away." He said turning towards me. "Okay so after I finished saying hi to everyone after the Pain fight I went to see y/n. While I was talking to her she suddenly got sad and left and I don't know what I did." I said looking at him with pleading eyes. "Oh what a drag. Naruto what did you say to her." He said rolling his eyes at me. "Oh well I was telling her about Sakura-chan and the-" "There stop there. That's you mistake. You where talking to her about another girl." He said. "Huh?" I said being really confused. "Oh my god Naruto your hopeless. Just go apologize to her okay? See what she has to say." He said. "Oh okay I'll do that now." I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "Give her a bit of space. Maybe try to find her tonight." He said to me. "Okayyyy." I said sitting back down beside him. 

That's it I'll find y/n tonight and apologize.

Y/n POV:

Damn it. I'm not even going to see Lady Tsunade. Just trying to avoid Naruto. Why the hell am I even avoiding him anyway. 

I looked around and saw a tent and decided to go in. I walked in and saw Neji. "Oh hey Neji. Mind if I come in. I need somewhere to clear my head." I said. "Sure come in." He said patting a seat beside him. "Oh thanks" I said sitting down beside him. "So you where out of the village when the attack happened huh?" I asked him. "Yea we were heading back. Then Guy-sensei said he had a bad feeling and said we should get back quick. Then we saw this mess." He said not looking to happy. "Anyway. How was training with Naruto?" He asked facing me. "Oh. It was okay I guess." I said avoiding eye contact. "I usually don't care but you saved Lady Hinata so... are you okay? You seem kinda off." He asked. I looked up at him "I don't know. I got kinda mad at Naruto and then ran off and I don't even know why I'm mad at him and I hope he's not mad at me and I don't know really what I'm thinking right now." I said looking down at my hands.

"Oh well... I'm really good with these kinda things but I think you like him." He said. "What of course I like him he's my best friend." I said looking up being confused. "No. No. No. You LIKE him." Neji said smirking at me. My face went red like a tomato. "What? Me. Like Naruto. No wayyy. He's he's my best friend." I said with my hands on my face. "Yea yea. Keep telling yourself that y/n." He said. "Whatever." I said leaning on his shoulder. "I'm gonna sleep so shut up." I said. He snickered and went quite.

Man what the hell. I'll just avoid Naruto for now.

I eventually drifted off to sleep. 

A few hours later...

Ow my head. 

I slowly opened my eyes. There was a lamp in the middle of the room and I was still leaning on Nejis shoulder. I noticed Lee and Tenten sitting in front of us too. They were quietly talking about something. I sat up rubbing my eyes. "Shit sorry Neji. Your shoulder must be killing you." I said. "Oh no its okay." He said. "Hey do you guys know what time it is." I said while stretching my arms. "It's eight at night." Tenten told me. "Oh I gotta go do border guard. See you guys later." I said putting on my shoes on and leaving. I looked up and saw thick clouds. 

It's probably gonna rain.

I looking at the concrete border which was the only thing that was left of the village. I quickly ran and jumped up to my check point. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bar keeping look out. Usually I wouldn't do look out but since our village is ruined they need high level ninja taking shifts. So here I am.

I took a deep breath of air. Then I felt a water droplet on my arm. It started raining. I was wearing my normal gear which wasn't that warm but I didn't really care right now. There where too many things going on in my head. 

I wonder what Naruto is doing right now.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned. Naruto was walking towards me with a small smile. I jumped down from the bar and walked over to him. "Hey." He said still smiling at me. "Hey. Why are you here. Your gonna catch a cold." I said standing in front of him. "Says you. Your wearing short sleeves." He said. I laughed slightly. "Umm, I'm here because you seemed kinda sad when I was talking to you earlier and I just wanted to see if you where okay? Sorry if I said something wrong." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh um I think I'm just tried thats all." I said kind of lying to myself. "Oh okay well ill see you later then. We can get ramen soon too." He said. I nodded. He turned around.

Something in me made me grab his wrist. "Naruto, Do you still love me?" I asked not really thinking. He turned back towards me. "Yes. I love you." He said. I let go of his hand. "No not like that. Your thinking about-about how you love ramen or something. Because, because Naruto I think I'm in love with you. I cant stop thinking about you. The way you never give up. How you train so hard. How even though your going through so much you always put on a smile. Just the way you danced with me that one night." It started raining harder. "The way you make me always laugh even when I'm not feeling well. Naruto I love you. I love you more then ramen" I laughed a bit. "I love yo-" 

I was cut off by Naruto kissing me. My body froze up for a second. His hands were holding my face as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I felt his smile against my lips which made me smile. I pulled back and stood in front of him. His eyes were soft and relaxed and he was smiling at me. "Y/n I love you too. More than ramen." He said. "WOW thats a BIG step for you Naruto. More than ramen woah." I teased. "Oh shut up." He said laughing. "Your right I'm freezing right now." I said rubbing my arms. He unzipped his jacket and walked over to me. "I told you. Are you almost done your watch on the border." He said while wrapping his jacket around my shoulders. "I'm done right now actually. Thanks." I said pulling the jacket onto my arms and zipping it up. "I have a tent set up do you wanna come with me?" He asked from beside me. "Oh yea I haven't set one up. Sure I'll come with you." I said turning towards him and kissing his cheek. He turned red. "ARE YOU BLUSHING HAHAHAH!!" I said running away from him. "OH SHUT UP COME HERE IM TAKING MY JACKET BACK!" He said chasing me laughing.

YOOOOOO we got a confession. Hehe. Hope you guys likedddd.

I'm so depressed rn I start school tomorrow. Kill me.

Anyway <3


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