6 I did this?

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So I actually am going to continue this book. 

Sorry I haven't updated I just started school yay.

I have the book somewhat planned out but keep in mind there will be more time skips and a plot twist hehe 😈!



Continue to rain as me and Naruto walked back to the tent that he set up. The air was wet and I was still cold even though I had Naruto's Jacket wrapped around me. I looked over at Naruto who was beside. He was still drenched in water and shivering in the rain. I reached down and took his hand in mine and looked away to avoid embarrassment. His hand relaxed in mine and he squeezed my hand in response. Our foot steps where the only sounds on the dirt path. For some reason my head throbbed. I looked ahead of us and squinting my eyes. "Are we almost there?" I said moving forward blindly in the dark. "Yea, its just up ahead." He said going in front of me and leading me hand in hand. 

As we reached the tent we went inside and Naruto continued to hold my hand. He went to close the tent and let go.  


Ow my head.

I ignored it and we both took our shoes off. Naruto went ahead of me and started firing up lights so we could see better. I was about to follow him but my head started spinning. It almost felt like the time when I saved Hinata from the Nine Tails and got hit. I went to take a step but as I lifted my leg and sharp pain shot up my right leg. I winced and was caught off balance and fell on my back. Naruto turned at the sudden shift. "Y/n!" He said rushing over to my side. "What happened? Are you okay? Do you have any injury's?" He asked scanning my body for them. "No. It's fine. I'm fine." I said attempting to sit up but failing and falling back down. Before my head could hit the ground Naruto tucked his hand behind my head and rested my back against the back of the tent. "Stop being the tough guy and tell me where your hurt." He said looking at me seriously. "Fine. Top right thigh. Above my knee." I said pointing to it.

He started rolling up my pant leg but I let out a shaky breath. He looked up at me and took out a kunai. "I'm going to cut it." He said. I nodded in response. He started at my middle thigh and cut down. The blade ran through the fabric easily. He threw the kunai to the side and started rolling up the cut fabric. My heart was pounding from the pain and the fact that his hands kept touching my bare leg. Once it was all rolled up he scanned my leg. "Im confused where is the injury?" He said looking up at me. I turned avoiding the eye contact. I knew that the injury was from the chakra of the Nine Tails and it was inside of my leg. Naruto couldn't do anything. If he did know he would lose it. "Y/N? Is there something your hiding from me?" He asked still looking at me. "I shouldn't tell you Naruto. You'll- you'll just worry." I said looking at him. "Please tell me. Y/n I want to help." He said looking some what worried. I gave in.

"During the fight with pain you had... when Hinata went out and she got stabbed. I went out to get her." I said. Naruto's eyes widened a bit. "When I was just about to grab her you went in 6 tail mode. I grabbed her and as I was running away." I looked at Naruto. "Your tail cut my leg. The chakra went inside of the wound. Sakura healed it so you shouldn't feel bad but its still inside a bit." I said. His eyes were shaking. "I did this? To you?" He said. "No. No Naruto. It's fine. It only hurts a bit." I said grabbing his face with my hands. "It's okay." I said. Tears started forming in his eyes. "If-f I didn't lose control then you would be fine." He said as a small tear went down his face. "No no no. Don't cry Naruto." I pulled him into a hug. 

"It's fine I'm not mad at you." I said rubbing his back. He pulled back. "Ill make it up to you by taking care of you. In-till the chakra disappears." He said smiling. "If you say so." I said smiling back. Then out of nowhere he picked me up in bridal style. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I said moving around in his arms a bit. "Woahh stay still I'm carrying you to the resting area. I don't want you to hurt your leg more." He said blushing a bit. I snickered and laughed. "Okay but don't try anything sneaky mr." I said smirking at him. "WHAT I WOULD NEVER. I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT! JUST CAUSE YOU MY GIRLFRIEND DOSENT MEAN THAT UR NOT ANNOYING STILL." He screamed trying very. Very. Hard not to blush. "Oh so I'm your girlfriend." I teased him more. "Yea. You are." He said looking me straight in the eyes. "Umm-m whatever-r." I said looking away. 

Naruto: 1

Y/n: 0

He set me down. "Do you want some new clothing we are still kinda wet from the rain?"he asked. "I don't have any." I said. "Oh I have extra. You can use it." He said taking out a orange shirt with a bowl of ramen on it and matching pants. He held it out in front of him smiling big. I burst out into a laughing fit. "Oh my god Naruto. Where did you even get that. Please tell me you don't wear that in public." I said wiping tears from my eyes. "What?! I think its cool. Well to bad you wearing it." He said handing it to me. I sat there with it in my hands him still staring at me. "ARE YOU GONNA TURN AROUND?" I screamed. "Oh yea. Sorry" he said turning. I put it on and later Naruto got changed too. We both sat there it matching ramen sweatpants and shirts. "I have. A. Feeling. You. Planned. This." I said not having it. "WHAT no. It's all i had." He said clearly lying to me. I laughed.

Then a loud growl came from my stomach. He looked at me. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded. " I'll make instant." He said preparing it. I laughed again. "Do you live off that stuff Naruto." "Yea-a. BUT I try different flavours too." He said trying to sound healthy. I smiled. This reminds me of the days in his apartment when we were young. "You know Y/n? This reminds me of when we were younger." He said. "You took the words out of my mouth." I said. "I have a question." he said turning around and handing me the finished ramen. "Shoot away." I said beginning to slurp my ramen. "When did you fall in love with me?" He said out of no where. I started coughing up my ramen. "Oh god. That was out of nowhere. Well I'm not sure." I said looking up at him sitting in front of me. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well when I first met you I guess you could say I thought you were cute." He blushed. "But you where still an idiot." He stopped blushing. "I'm just kidding. It's hard to say. I honestly always found you attractive. But when I realized I really loved you was during our training into Sage Mode." I said. He smiled at me. "But I think a part of my has always loved you." I said surprised that I haven't blushed. Naruto on the other hand was super red. He looked almost too red. I giggled. "What about you? When did you fall in love with me?" I asked. Actually intrigued.

"Oh well." He started rubbing the back of his neck. "Ive always loved you y/n. I just didn't realize it. I was hiding my feels thinking that Sakura was the right option because she loved my rival. But I always loved you." He said looking down. My whole face warmed up and I smiled. "Thank you Naruto." I said. "For the ramen. No problem." He smiled. "No for everything." I said. 


So cute...ohhh god I'm so single😀

Anyway this was kinda a filler chapter just bc I felt like it. 

Thank youuuu🤪


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