0.2 Back story

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I know ANOTHER backstory character. Sorry.... 

I wanna get to the Shippuden time line so I'm going to do academy here then the next chapter there will be a time skip to the pain arc which is where I start my story.

THank yOu if your still reading hehe.


My first day at the academy... this should be easy.

There I was my little ten year old self standing at the entry of the academy. It was my first day and I would be put in a random class with strangers I didn't know. 

I walked through the halls really confused because uncle  Jiriya literally just dropped me of and said "Have fun!" and left. That old geezer. 

Stuck in my thoughts I ran into and kid about my size. "Ow" he swore under his breath. "Oh I'm sorry." I spun around are my eyes fell on a kid about my age.

He was wearing all orange and had bright yellow hair. I smiled " I like your hair" I said without thinking. He straightened up and broke out into a huge smile. "Really? Well I just woke up like this" he said as he started touching the tips of his hair in a weird way. I'm started laughing. He froze and looked up at me "What?" He shouted. I stopped laughing and smiled. "I just think where going to be good friends." I stuck out my hand. "I'm y/n Myōboku." 

I changed my last name when my parents died because they where quite well known and I didn't like people asking questions about their death.

He grinned really wide "I'm Naruto Uzamki, the next hokage. Believe it." He said. "Well if you believe ur self I'm sure you'll make it. By the way do you know where age ten academy classes are?" I asked .He started hopping up and down. "Ur ten. I'm ten. Ur in my class! Come on follow me." He said, then started walking and I quickly followed him. The whole time he was blabbing to me about a new jutsu he was creating. I listened intently even though I knew he was lying.

We arrived at the class room and Naruto bursted into the class and shouted. "IRUKA-SENSEI IS Y/N IN OUR CLASS?" I stood there dumbfounded. This was not the ideal entry of the first day of school. The man I assumed was Iruka-sensei spun around "NARUTO quite down. Y/n there you are I was concerned you wouldn't be able to find our class." I walked up to greet him with a small bow. "Everyone settle down I want you to meet our new class mate." He looked over at me probably telling me to introduce myself.

"I'm y/n Myōboku." I said plainly.

"Oh-okay. Got take a seat." Iruka-sensei said. 

I looked at the seating ahead of me. There was a seat beside a girl with pink hair but she seemed to be making heart eyes at the emo looking boy beside her so I passed. A seat beside a boy eating chips loudly was open and I passed because I hate when people eat loudly. Lastly my eyes fell on two empty seats on each side of the boy I met this morning.

Why was no one sitting beside him?

I walked up and placed myself beside him. He turned and smiled at me and I'm smiled back.

With that my academy days started and I flew through them making friends on the way. Including my best friend Naruto Uzamki.

Hope you likkkkked it. The chapter after this is gonna be hella short. Well I guess this one was too oops.



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