CHAPTER XXXV: disclosed suspicion

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◦♔ TW : mentions of obsessiveness and drug usage.



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AS THE DAYS (more like months at this point) went by, king felt himself becoming unhealthier. sometimes the meds or the pot that milo gave him would relieve him temporarily since he was unknowingly being given different amounts of drugs everyday. for the most part though, he became weaker, more exhausted.

some days, the unidentified hallucinogenics would get to him and make him have some wild trip outs or outlandish dreams. other days he would just feel too relaxed for his own liking, making him unable to focus in class. he ended up going to the doctor for checkups and came out with nothing, sounding like he was on the brink of being in a permanent delirium or high out of his mind.

when king arrived home, feeling like shit as always, he heard the sound of soft laughter fill the air that he recognized from two people. that made his eyebrows furrow, entering the kitchen. did milo bring a guest? "oh hey king!" milo exclaimed as two faces glanced up from their sketch papers. king smiled upon making eye contact with the other figure sitting by milo at the kitchen island. "hey santos." king said rather blankly yet with some excitement in his tone, throwing his stuff onto the kitchen island and running over to his older brother, the two of them sharing a hug.

santos patted king's back, a gentle smile framing his face. "hey. nice to see you." santos muttered. "how is our olympic archer doing?" king teasingly asked, earning a laugh from milo and santos. "doing great. i just came to visit so don't get too cocky about it." santos said, rolling his eyes as he knew his brothers would never let go of the fact that he won a gold medal for archery. santos lightly ruffled his hair as he sat back down in his seat, picking up his pencil and going back to his sketching session with milo. the three of them sat at the kitchen island, chattering the entire time and sharing some laughter.

when it came time to talking about random topics, they landed on spirituality. "you know everyone has some type of aura. you feed it with positive or negative energy to make it change color or tension." santos stated, talking about the topic in a professional manner while milo kept asking questions. "so you can see my aura?" king jokingly asked with a hint of curiosity. santos snorted a bit. "no i wish. haven't mastered it. my interests are in tarot reading and crystals." santos went on. "ooh! ooh! can you do a tarot reading on us!?" milo asked giddily. milo is literally like a child. he liked trying new things all the time with the exhilarated energy he has.

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